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Dirty Sexy Cuffed (Dirty Sexy 3)

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Her breasts grew so full and tight they tingled, her nipples so hard they hurt. And when his sinful tongue joined in with long, sensual licks, she whimpered softly. Her thighs trembled, and damp heat pooled in intimate places, because now she knew just how thorough his mouth and tongue would feel between her legs. Better than any man who had come before him.

So many carnal sensations collided inside of her, and she started to pant, right on the verge of climaxing . . . and how was that even possible from simple kisses to her neck? Incredibly erotic kisses, but still, getting this revved up, this quickly, was not the norm for her. Then again, when had any guy taken the time and attention to indulge in this kind of lengthy foreplay? Never. And it was goddamn glorious.

“Levi,” she gasped, shifting her bottom restlessly against what she wanted the most. Him. Inside her. Easing the ache he’d ignited. “You’re making me so . . .” She couldn’t bring herself to be that bold and say something so explicit.

“I’m making you so what?” he persisted huskily, his lips and voice vibrating against her neck while the fingers around her throat gently stroked the line of her jaw. “Weak in the knees?”

“That’s one thing,” she said, laughing lightly and opening her eyes again.

“Hot and bothered?” he suggested, then sucked and licked a path along her shoulder, making her moan like a hussy.

“Yes, that, too.” She bit her bottom lip, not sure how much longer she was going to be able to stand this torment.

“How about wet, sweet thing?” He breathed hotly into her ear as he slipped his free hand beneath the hem of her dress and feathered his long, warm fingers along her inner thigh. “Is your pussy slick and hot and needy?” He stroked closer to the plain cotton panties that were undeniably soaked through, teasing her. “Do you need me to make you come?”

She swallowed hard and clutched the edge of the counter for support. Another thing she wasn’t at all used to—dirty talk. But coming from Levi, it was hot and sexy and titillating and she loved it.

“Answer me, Sarah,” he demanded in a low, curt tone as he flicked a finger along her bare inner thigh to get her attention.

She sucked in a startled breath as that light snap of pain seemed to reverberate against her clit. “Yes,” she said quickly. “Oh, God, yes.”

“Yes, what?” he asked impatiently as his fingers flexed around her throat and his mouth skimmed her cheek. “I’m not touching your soft, quivering pussy until you ask for it.”

He moved his hand to the waistband of her underwear and stopped there, the heat of his palm against her lower belly a brand against her skin. Sarah’s sex felt heavy, swollen, and the thought of him leaving her like this, in a state of churned-up lust, made her more brazen than she’d ever been before. She rolled her head against his shoulder so that she was looking up at him, staring into eyes that were so dark and hungry—for her.

“Put your fingers on my clit, Levi,” she rasped desperately, knowing he’d accept no less than the filthy version. “Touch me, stroke me, make me come, please.”

“Good girl,” he murmured as if she’d passed some kind of unspoken test.

Finally giving her body what it craved, he slid his hand into her panties and right down between her legs, drawing a startled gasp from her. As soon as he encountered her slick, wet heat, his fingers stilled in her plump folds as he groaned, his body shuddering hard against hers. “Jesus Christ, Sarah.” The words sounded torn from his throat. “You’re absolutely soaked and so fucking soft.”

“Don’t stop, Levi,” she pleaded as she frantically rolled her hips against his hand, urging it to move. “Please, don’t stop.”

He swore again and pushed his fingers deep between her aching flesh and dragged them back through her slit, until he was pressing and rubbing against her clit and pushing her toward the cataclysmic release building frantically inside of her. With his other hand still at her throat, she tipped her head back to once again meet his tempestuous gaze. His jaw was clenched, his entire body tense, and the untamed need blazing in his eyes was contagious, making her catch fire, too.

She writhed against the hand pleasuring her and moaned desperately, the breathy sounds slipping past her lips over and over again. “Levi . . .”

“Fuck. That is where I want my mouth,” he rasped, his eyes lit from within as his fingers relentlessly worked her over. “I want to lick you and eat you and taste you on my tongue as you come. Then I want to slid my cock into your soft, tight pussy and bury myself so fucking deep that you scream my name.”

Those were the last words she heard as he pulled her mouth up to his and kissed her, hard and deep, giving her no choice but to reciprocate as his lips conquered and devoured. His tongue swirled over and around hers, mimicking the way his fingers circled her clit, pushing her into the sweetest, most exquisite oblivion.

She bucked against him, her body quaking as she climaxed so hard she screamed against his lips, the contractions taking her higher and over an edge she’d never imagined existed. And when she was finally able to think, she wondered if she’d ever be the same again.

Finally, he released her mouth and dropped his hand from her throat. She sagged like a rag doll against the counter, her head falling forward as she tried to gain her bearings. He was still standing behind her, his hands now on her hips, gently but firmly enough to hold her upright so she didn’t sink to the floor.

“You okay?” he asked, humor lacing his deep, husky voice.

“Umm, I think so,” she replied, her heart rate finally slowing and

her breathing returning to normal. “That was so . . . intense.”

“And you were fucking amazing,” he said, trailing his hands along her waist.

Except while she’d just enjoyed a phenomenal orgasm, he was still hard as granite against her bottom, and just feeling the imprint of that impressive cock made her want more of him than just his fingers pleasuring her.

She turned in his arms, and while he gave her enough room to move, he didn’t step away. He still stood close, the corner of his mouth tipped with a smug, self-satisfied smile.

She knew what she wanted to ask him, but she’d never propositioned a man before, and she suddenly felt awkward, considering what he’d just done to her. “Do you want to . . . umm, go in the bedroom and . . .”

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