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Dirty Sexy Sinner (Dirty Sexy 4)

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ed, so she didn’t even try—and who was she kidding, anyway? She was already halfway to an orgasm at the mere thought of what he was about to do to her—so she went ahead and knelt right above that decadent mouth of his, grabbed on to the back of the sofa for support, and prepared herself for his brand of possession.

Normally, he liked to tease and draw out her climax, but tonight she felt a definite urgency in the way he gripped her hips to hold her in place, an undeniable hunger as he fastened his mouth between her thighs and sank his tongue deep into her slick folds. She gasped as he licked along her cleft, then settled right over her clit. Her entire body jolted as he sucked the sensitive nub in his mouth and plied it with soft swirls of his tongue. Again and again and again . . .

The desire spiraling in her belly, and lower, coiled tighter and tighter. The intensity of his mouth overwhelmed her. He went at her harder, faster, deeper, ruthless in his attempt to claim her acquiescence, and she was helpless to deny what he was demanding from her: her complete and total surrender.

Giving herself over to Jackson was incredibly easy to do. Trusting him was like jumping over a cliff knowing there was a safety net to catch her, and she didn’t think twice about letting go. Another deep, open-mouth, tongue-thrusting kiss against her pussy and she was panting, moaning, writhing, pleading . . . then crying out as her orgasm sent her free-falling over the edge while Jackson groaned in lust and satisfaction against her tender flesh.

He didn’t give her time to recover before he was pulling her off the couch and guiding her down to straddle his lap. His fingers clutched her hips almost painfully, and she inhaled a sharp breath as he plunged inside of her in one deep, endless stroke, burying himself to the hilt. She expected him to unleash his own passion, was more than prepared to take the brunt of the volatile storm she felt brewing inside of him—even though she wasn’t sure why. But instead he stilled, his chest heaving, his entire body taut with restraint. He was clearly holding himself back, as if he was afraid he’d hurt her if he let go, and it was the last thing she wanted.

His eyes were dark pools of need; his lips shone with moisture from her. It was so damn hot that she framed his face in her hands and bent her head to lick the taste of her from his mouth. “Do it, Jackson,” she whispered against his lips, softly, imploringly. “Fuck me as hard as you need to and make me yours.”

The sound that erupted from his chest was raw and primal as he wrapped his arms tight around her, then shifted and rolled her to her back so that she was lying on the bare hardwood floor and he was on top of her, already sinking back inside of her, impaling her as if he owned her while shoving her legs far apart to make room for him in between.

And still, it didn’t seem to be enough. He slid his hands up her back and clamped his fingers around her shoulders, anchoring her in place as his hips slammed hard against hers, and there was nowhere she could go, nothing she could do but let him take her, however he wanted. However he needed. His chest crushed against her breasts, and he melded his mouth to hers, his body completely dominating hers with long, frantic, aggressive, grinding thrusts.

It would be easy to write this off as just rough, animal sex, but Tara knew better. The emotion pouring off of him was nearly tangible. He couldn’t seem to get deep enough, couldn’t seem to get close enough, as if he were trying to fuse their bodies, their souls. As if he was afraid of losing her . . . and it was a feeling she recognized and understood all too well.

She finally, finally, felt that control of his break. His thrusts grew more erratic—shorter, harder, deeper jerks of his hips that made her second release peak just as his did, her body convulsing and clenching around his cock. He tossed his head back, his jaw clenched, teeth bared as he came on a long, endless moan that vibrated through her.

Completely spent, he collapsed on top of her and buried his face against her neck, and she caressed her hands down the slope of his back as they both spent a few extra minutes recovering from the intensity of their orgasms.

All that Tara cared about in that moment was they were joined, connected, and inseparable. They had plenty of time to figure out the rest.

Chapter Thirteen

Since you have the day off, would you like to come by my office around one? I’d love to show you around and take you to lunch.

Jackson sent the text off to Tara, then set his phone on his desk as he went back to reviewing the construction documents for an upcoming commercial design he’d been assigned as project manager. He had a three o’clock meeting with the CEO and CFO of the company and wanted to make sure he was prepared to answer any questions that might arise.

But from one to three this afternoon, he had a two-hour window of time. Normally, he had lunch appointments with clients, but today he was free for that short period. And since, for the past week, Tara had been working her ass off with Clay to get everything prepared to now cater for a lunch crowd at Kincaid’s, their time together had been limited. She’d been exhausted in the evenings, and he’d worked late a couple of nights. Their schedules were still conflicting more than he liked, and it just seemed like something was a bit off with Tara. Then again, she’d always held a part of herself back—not physically but emotionally. And he couldn’t deny that it worried him. A lot.

He chalked it up to her being overworked and tired, and while he’d like to think that a lunch date would get them back on track, he’d come to the decision that they were at a point in their relationship where he needed to trust his instincts. The intuition that had been telling him for weeks now that this woman was his soul mate—but he’d allowed insecurities and fears to get in the way. Tara was the one person who gave him everything he’d ever wanted. Everything he’d ever needed. A sense of belonging and the kind of unconditional acceptance he’d searched his entire life for.

He wanted those last bits of uncertainties between them gone, and he planned to replace them with genuine reassurances. After six weeks together, she deserved a solid commitment going forward, something to prove that he wasn’t going anywhere. He definitely had his own hang-ups, along with a past that was filled with nothing but heartache and disappointments, but he knew that without taking a risk, there was no gain. And sweet, honest, fiercely loyal Tara Kent was worth taking that risk with his heart one last time. He’d be an idiot to let a woman like her slip through his fingers.

His phone vibrated with Tara’s response. Sure. That sounds good. I’ll be there in just a bit.

He leaned back in his chair and smiled to himself. Perfect. He’d give her a quick tour around the office to meet the few people they’d missed at the gala, then take her to the cafe down the street for a nice lunch. He was going to invite her to dinner this evening at his place, and by the time the night was over, she was going to know exactly how he felt about her. That he loved her.

With the decision made, he tried to focus on work until his secretary, Georgia, announced through the intercom that Tara was there to see him. He closed out the document on his computer, picked up this cell phone, and headed out to the reception area.

Tara had already met Georgia at the party, and the two were making small talk as he arrived. She’d worn a pretty cream-colored dress that ended below the knee and was trimmed in ruffles along the hem. She looked casual but tasteful, with her dark hair down in loose waves and her makeup lightly applied.

Without questioning the public display of affection, he walked right up to Tara and kissed her cheek as if she already belonged to him. Soon, she would.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he said, and smiled at the blush that tinged her cheek.

“Hi,” she replied, her blue eyes soft with her own subtle affection for him.

“You two are so cute together,” Georgia said with a grin. “It’s nice to see Jackson so smitten with a woman.”

“I’m totally smitten,” he admitted, uncaring of how that infatuation might make him look or sound because, well, he was crazy about her.

The phone on Georgia’s desk rang, and she excused herself to take the call.

Jackson touched his hand to Tara’s back and gently guided her toward his office. “Let me show you around and then we’ll go grab a bite to eat.”

“Sounds good.”

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