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Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3)

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He smelled deliciously male and her exhaustion disappeared, replaced by something far more pleasurable.

“I spent the whole day apartment hunting and I worked up an appetite. I kept you company while you did your thing. The least you could do is stay and have dinner with me,” he said in a teasing but self-assured tone.

She was simultaneously amused and pleased with his blatant attempt to keep her around. “Pizza?” she asked hopefully.

“You got it,” he said, with a satisfied grin.

She guessed he hadn’t been sure she’d stay. As if she’d want to be anywhere else. These uncertain, awkward moments were normal, but she knew for sure there was nothing questionable about what she felt for this man. As long as she kept things simple and uncomplicated, she’d be fine.

“Toppings?” he asked, picking up the phone.

“Your choice. I’m easy.”

His eyes darkened at her accidental double entendre. He ordered a large everything pizza, requested delivery, pulled two beers from the fridge, and offered her one.

She nodded. “I’ve always had a weakness for cold beer. Ever since college, other girls liked wine, but I preferred beer. I still do.” But her recent life hadn’t been conducive to brew.

Tyler, his mother, her parents, and their friends all preferred expensive alcohol.

He grabbed the opener from the counter, and as he popped the tops, Nicole’s gaze fell to his broad biceps and the muscles that flexed as he moved. She stifled an appreciative sigh that caught his attention.

His gaze held hers, a wealth of desire in that one look passing between them. He placed the bottles on the counter and extended his arm toward her.

Heart pounding, she placed her palm in his rougher hand.

He pulled her against him, aligning her body with his. She acted on instinct and wrapped her arms around his neck. It felt right. Good.

He felt right.

His hand came up to cup the back of her head and he sealed his delicious lips over hers. They’d been dancing around this moment, building the yearning since the last time. The Nicole she knew didn’t have such fire and intensity of any emotions burning in her veins, needing to get out.

With Sam, she did.

So, apparently, did he.

There was no way she could not respond, and she kissed him back with more passion than she’d known she possessed—sliding her lips sensuously over his, opening and inviting him inside. He kissed her back like a starving man who was now devouring what he needed and taking more, storing up as if he’d never have enough. His hands moved from her head to her cheeks, his thumbs smoothing over her skin, causing small electric shocks all over. A heaviness throbbed in her breasts and a definite pulsing began down below.

Unable to stop herself, she inched closer, threading her fingers through his shaggy hair. His masculine groan of appreciation reverberated through her. Oh, yes, they were in this together, and she liked that as much as she liked him.

His lips swept down her cheek, her neck, and finally landed on the sweet spot near her throat, where he took his time, nuzzling and nipping at her skin. This time she moaned. While he licked and teased her there, his fingers slid up her shirt and soon he cupped her aching breasts in his hard, hot hands. She arched her back, pressing herself against him, and he squeezed her harder, eliciting another moan. Heat settled between her thighs, and she squirmed, needing his touch there now more than ever.

Sam couldn’t mistake her desire, not when she smelled so sweet, and she was so pliant in his arms. Her breasts filled his palms, each just slightly larger than his hand, and when she arched into him, the pebbled points of her nipples pricked his skin. His cock throbbed against his jeans, but he ignored his own needs, right now content to test just how sensitive she was and enjoy fulfilling her wants.

He brushed his thumbs over the lace fabric of her bra, turning her nipples into even firmer darts, and she gripped his hair harder, a clear signal not to stop. He couldn’t if he wanted to. He was lost in this woman, like nothing he’d ever experienced before. He didn’t want to break the kiss. Hell, as much he wanted to thrust inside her hot, willing body, he could kiss her like this forever.

And he would have, had her cell phone not rung, interrupting the moment.

He groaned and stepped back, his forehead still touching hers.

“Go ahead. Get it,” he said, silently cursing whoever was on the phone.

With a disappointed sigh, she headed for the other room where her phone was, leaving him feeling the loss. He shook his head, knowing how crazy that sounded. Still, he was enjoying everything about Nicole—and the fact that she was moving in next door meant all systems were go between them.

He heard her steps as she came back to the kitchen.

As she entered the room, he glanced at her, noticing she was paler than before and a lot less relaxed.

“What’s wrong?”

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