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Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3)

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He blew out a long breath. “Not if you’re telling me the truth, no.”

She set her jaw, determined not to get into an argument with him about her ex. But there was one thing they needed to get straight now. “Either you trust me or you don’t. And if you don’t, we call this off right here and now. But if you do? No more digs about truth and honesty, all right?”

He blew out a deep breath before answering. “Fair enough,” he said, a surprising smile lifting his lips. “I have an important question.”

“What?” she asked warily.

“Did you enjoy your pizza the other night?”

She let out a loud laugh. “No, I didn’t. I was too upset.”

“I thought so, and me neither. Pop’s really does make the best pizza, so I thought we could head on over there and try again. There are some things I think we need to get clear between us.”

She nodded, knowing he was right. “I’d like that.”

He hefted a bag higher on his shoulder, and she realized he was hauling around a lot of weight.

“That looks heavy. Where’s your truck?” she asked.

“There.” He pointed at his SUV a few feet away. They headed there and stored all his gear in the back. He turned to her, sweaty and dirty from the game in the night heat, and he’d never looked better to her. Hotter. More sexy.

“I didn’t think this through . . . I’m filthy,” he said. “How about we go to your place over Joe’s so I can at least wash up. I keep a change of clothes in the trunk, and then we can walk to Pop’s down the street.”

She nodded, okay with whatever he suggested.

Less than an hour later—because who cleaned up faster than a man—they arrived at Pop’s Pizza. They settled into a booth and Sam reached across the table for her hand, causing excited flutters in her belly.

“So we both like pepperoni.”

She grinned. “Something in common.”

“Look, since it’s quiet and we can talk, I—”

Before he could finish, the restaurant door opened and Macy and Tyler walked in.

Nicole closed her eyes and groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Sam turned in his seat and stiffened. “Son of a bitch.”

Tyler pulled Macy right over to their table. “Funny running into you here.”

“Not laughing,” Sam said.

Nicole met Macy’s apologetic gaze. This truly was a coincidence, she knew.

“Tyler, let’s have Chinese next door,” Macy suggested.

“Good idea,” Sam muttered.

He shook his head. “I’m allergic to MSG.”

Nicole would have rolled her eyes, except he was telling the truth.

“Then let’s take a table in the back.” Macy tugged on his arm.

Tyler met Sam’s steely gaze. “We’re all adults and clearly this is a small town, so we’ll be running into each other. Might as well get friendly.”

Before he could slide into the booth next to Nicole, Macy whipped around him and inserted herself there instead. Tyler eyed the long bench Sam sat in the middle of.

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