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Perfect Together (Serendipity's Finest 3)

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He couldn’t predict the future but if nothing else, he could damn well enjoy the present.

A while later, they'd shared a shower, which had been a repeat of their earlier coupling, this time standing up in the small stall. Afterward, Nicole said she had a phone call to make, and he’d left her alone, giving her privacy, promising to find them something to eat.

Sam shook his head, unable to remember the last time he’d been with a woman, stayed to shower, planned to eat with her, then headed back to bed. If he wasn’t careful, he was afraid he’d be calling what he and Nicole shared a relationship.


He turned his focus to the fridge in the kitchen. Sara loved to cook and she always had extra meals in the fridge. Sure enough, he found lasagna with a note to him to heat up whatever they wanted. It was easy enough to preheat the oven before heading back to let Nicole know they’d be eating in about forty minutes.

He walked down the hallway, pausing outside the bedroom door at the sound of Nicole’s voice.

“Yes, it’s Nicole Farnsworth. I’ve been on hold to talk to my sister, Victoria?” A pause, then, “No, it’s not our regularly scheduled time, but it’s our birthday—I mean, we’re twins. So I wanted to call and—”

Silence followed, while Nicole listened to the other person on the phone. “Yes, I’ll hold for her doctor,” Nicole said.

Sam leaned against the wall, surprised by what he’d heard. The whole day had passed and he hadn’t known it was her birthday. Her phone hadn’t rung. Nobody had called to wish her well. He ran his hand through his hair, remembering what she’d told him about her parents. How they rarely remembered she was around unless they needed something from her.

A painful knot formed in his chest as he thought of his parents and siblings, and the birthdays he’d had, both growing up and as an adult. Nicole’s utter isolation gave him a completely new appreciation of family. Of the love and caring he’d always taken for granted. He’d had no way of knowing, understood she wouldn’t be upset with him, but he doubted a belated Happy birthday would take the sting out of the day and wondered what he could do to make it up to her.

“Hi, Dr. Templeton. What’s going on?” Nicole asked.

More silence, during which Sam wondered what was happening with her sister.

“I thought . . . I mean, last time we spoke Victoria said she was getting better. That you were talking about giving her a day pass, to see—” Nicole’s voice brought Sam out of his introspection, followed by that damning quiet as she listened again, Sam thought.

“I see.” Voice lowered, Nicole’s pain and disappointment filtered through to Sam. “Sure. Okay, yes. Thank you for explaining everything to me yourself. Good-bye.”

A loud sob followed, and Sam pushed open the door without knocking.

Nicole spun around at the sound of his entrance and immediately wiped her eyes with her hands.

“Don’t pretend nothing’s wrong.”

She visibly stilled. “I’m fine.”

He shook his head and stepped closer. “No, you’re not. I heard your end of the call. Whatever’s wrong with your sister, you don’t have to hide it from me.”


“But I’m here for you. End of discussion.” He slid his arm around her waist and pulled her against him. Ignoring how his body lit up at contact wasn’t easy, but she needed more than sex to make her feel better now. “Talk to me.”

Nicole pushed out of his embrace. “My sister isn’t getting better. She’s fighting the meds, and when she told me she would have permission to come out on leave? That was her being delusional.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be.” She let out a harsh laugh. “It protects your family from having to deal with her any time in the near future.”

She spun away but he caught her arm, halting her emotional retreat. “Hey! Don’t run away from me.”

She turned, her glassy red eyes kicking him in the gut.

“I’ve always dealt with Victoria’s issues and problems myself.”

He nodded. After she’d broken her engagement, she’d been alone. She’d chosen to move to Serendipity. Alone. And now she’d taken this hit from her twin, expecting to be—alone.

His heart broke a little more as he realized how solitary her life had been. He didn’t want her to be alone right now. Not when she had him.

“Come back here.” He extended his arms.

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