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Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set

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“And don’t you look so unhappy. You know you’re glad to see me.”

She couldn’t hide her smile. “Your ego astounds me.”

“Can I have a look?” he asked, walking over to the garment bag. He reached for the zipper.

She smacked his hand. “Let me.” With Mike staring from behind, she felt shy about looking at the dress she’d be wearing to wed another man. She bit her lower lip and gingerly unzipped the bag.

Reaching inside, she withdrew the material, gaping at the gown in shock. “It’s pink.”

Mike stepped back to appraise the dress and let out a long, approving whistle. “Nice,” he murmured his gaze taking in the scooped neckline and intricate beading.

“It’s pink.” Her hand gripped his arm and her fingernails dug into his skin.

“I admit it’s a surprise.” And not just for him, Mike thought, judging by the horrified look on Carly’s face. “You ordered white.” Not a difficult guess.

After his brother’s slip a few days before, Mike realized Carly was truly innocent. Not that most brides didn’t wear white regardless, but Carly had maintained the right. Forget what Peter’s reaction would be to his bride walking down the aisle in anything but traditional white, she deserved to have her first choice. After all her compromising, she shouldn’t have to give in on something as important as her wedding gown.

He turned toward her, startled to see tears running down her face. “Hey,” he said, brushing at the drop of moisture with his thumb. “I’m sure this can be fixed.” He hoped.

“It’s an omen.”

“Come on, you don’t believe in that stuff.” He, on the other hand, agreed wholeheartedly.

“I planned this wedding and nothing has gone as I wanted... No one has given a single thought to my feelings, but this...” She lifted the lace edge of the gown. “This was mine.” She groaned. “Or it was supposed to be.”

“Carly,” he began carefully, “think about what you just said.”

“So much for the perfect wedding.”

She wasn’t listening. He grabbed her by both arms, as if he were grabbing his last chance to reach her. “The perfect wedding won’t change the fact that both people involved are far from the perfect couple. All the planning in the world won’t change that.”

The look of pain on her face almost destroyed him.

“How dare you?”

He swore silently. “I dare because you don’t. Listen to yourself. Nothing about this wedding has turned out the way you wanted it. No one, including my brother, who I love but who can also be an ass, has given a damn about your needs.”

She tried to jerk her arms free, but he held on fast. “What does that tell you?” he asked.

“That this is none of your business.” She wrenched free from his grasp.

“You’re right, but I can’t sit around and watch this farce any longer. If I don’t point out what you can’t face, what kind of friend am I?” He shoved his fingers through his hair. What kind of brother am I?

She cocked her head to one side. Though her eyes remained wet and her pain was almost tangible, he sensed she was listening. At last.

“Look, sweetheart, you’re two different people with two different personalities. It doesn’t make either of you wrong or a bad person. That’s just the way it is and it’s time you faced the truth.”

“What gives you the right to pass judgment?” she asked.

“Not a damn thing. But I love my brother and I... care about you. Marriage is forever. Promise me you’ll think about that.”

“And do what? Break off my engagement a week before the wedding?” Her voice cracked under the strain.

“If that’s what feels right, then yes.”

“I made a commitment.” She paced the small area before turning on him. “Do you even know what the word means?”

“Carly...” he said, warning her with his tone. “Don’t make this personal.”

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