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Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set

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“The truth. Did you tell her?” For the first time, his composed brother looked shaken.

Though Mike wished he could pity him, the one person he felt for was Carly. “I wish I’d had that honor. Not telling her is something I’ll have to live with.” He prayed it wasn’t too late. “Obviously she’s brighter than you thought.”

Peter groaned, bracing a hand on the doorknob. “No, I’m just a hell of a lot dumber.”

Mike shook his head. “When will you learn, Pete? Things have a way of coming back to haunt you.”

But he needed to speak to Carly, and unless the elevators were slow, she’d had enough of a head start for her to disappear into the crowd. By the time he’d reached the street, the clouds that had looked threatening earlier had erupted in rain showers. In this weather, finding an empty taxi would be damn difficult if not impossible.

He glanced to his right and relief kicked into him. Carly stood on a corner flagging down a cab. He ran, reaching the taxi just as she pulled the car door shut. He rapped on the glass and called her name.

She rolled down the window. “Go away.” Her face was wet with moisture, making it impossible for him to distinguish between raindrops and tears.

“No.” He reached for the handle and opened the door.

She promptly slammed it closed again.

“Have a heart, Carly. It’s wet out here.”

She glared through the half-opened window.

“Have a heart? That’s a joke coming from you.” She smacked her hand down on the inside panel.

He reached for the handle before she could lock the cab door. This time he was prepared for her resistance. His strength was no match for hers and the door flew open wide.

Ignoring her murderous look, he flung his wet body into the seat, forcing her to move over or be crushed. She slid over quickly.

“Wise move,” he said, shutting the door behind him.

Silence greeted him.

Leaning forward, he spoke to the driver. “Seventy-second and Second.”

“Wait.” She tapped the driver and the man turned to look over his shoulder.

“He’s not going with me.” Carly gestured toward Mike.

“The hell I’m not.”

A wide grin encompassed the older man’s face. “Me, I don’t care where we go or how long we sit. The meter’s running.” He patted the metal box. As if on cue, the digital numbers increased.

“I’m in no rush.” Mike shrugged and leaned back in his seat.

She groaned but remained silent. Raindrops pelted the windshield and the cabdriver began whistling.

Mike slicked back his hair with one hand. This was one battle of wills he couldn’t afford to lose. He needed the chance to explain. More important, Carly needed to be with someone who cared.

He glanced at his watch. The meter ticked off another fare increase. The driver switched tunes. Over the off-key whistling, Mike heard a clicking sound and turned. Carly huddled in the corner, arms wrapped around herself, shivering, her teeth chattering. She pushed her wet bangs out of her eyes with one hand before wrapping her arms around her wet body once more.

He muttered a harsh curse and repeated her address aloud.

The driver looked at Carly. “Miss?”

“Just go,” Mike said through clenched teeth.

The man glanced over his shoulder at Carly again and she nodded. He swiveled back in his seat and placed the car in gear, jamming his foot down on the accelerator.

Mike looked at Carly and held out his arms.

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