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Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set

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“Couldn’t you think of something more original?” she asked.

“Avon calling?” He advanced two steps.

Carly forced herself to remain in place. Any retreat would give him too much information about how much he affected her. Like he needed anything more than her overly enthusiastic response the last time they were together, she thought, her cheeks burning at the memory.

She shook her head. “Try again.”

“How about this?” He took another two steps forward and met her lips with his in a scorching kiss. His mouth moved over hers with such skill and perfection, she was surprised her legs still supported her. All she could do was reach for his shoulders and hold on.

The kiss was all she’d dreamed about and everything she’d missed. It was also too short. He freed her with an agonized groan, but his golden eyes still glittered with desire.

She pushed her bangs out of her eyes and exhaled. A frustrated sigh escaped instead. Apparently her plans for solitude and self-learning were about to be drastically altered. “What are you doing here?” she asked. Forget about how he’d found her. She wasn’t sure she wanted to know.

Mike shrugged and walked past her into the foyer.


“I’ve got two answers to that. Work and you.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Explain the work part.”

Once in the kitchen, he turned a chair around and straddled it with his legs. Muscular legs, she noted before shifting her gaze to his face. She chose a chair opposite him.

“I’m doing a layout for a special on summer vacation spots,” he said.

“Right. The man who loves travel and danger suddenly chooses the Hamptons. Hoping to expose the ever-present beach pickpockets?”

“Watch the sarcasm,” he said with a grin.

“Then try the truth.” She stood and walked to the refrigerator. She pulled out a can of soda and popped the top. “Cola?” She offered the can to him, hating the ingrained politeness that governed her actions. She wanted to toss him out before she could succumb again. The good girl in her didn’t know how.

He shook his head.

She downed a large sip of soda herself.

“I’m here to work. And to see you,” he said.

The bubbles burned her throat, causing her eyes to water.

“To make sure you have a friend if you need one, or a shoulder to cry on if it comes to that.”

She coughed, wiping tears from her eyes. Damn his sense of chivalry, anyway. It made turning him away that much more difficult. “Well, I appreciate the sentiment, but there’s no need.” She slammed the soda can on the table for emphasis. The liquid popped up, splashing over the oak surface. She shot him a frustrated glance and grabbed for a towel to wipe up the mess.

Propping his elbows on the table, he sat in silence.

“What, nothing to say?”

“Why should I bother? Obviously you believe what you’re saying, or you’re trying to convince yourself.” He shrugged. “I happen to know better.”

“You’re certainly full of yourself today.”

He grinned. “It’s part of my charm.”

“I’m serious, Mike.”

“So am I. I know you want to believe you don’t need anyone, but it isn’t true. No man... er, woman, is an island,” he said with a grin.

She narrowed her eyes. “I see. So last time you ran into trouble, you turned to... who?”

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