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Truly Madly Deeply Boxed Set

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“No, you shouldn’t have.” But she couldn’t suppress a laugh. She much preferred being around Peter now that they were no longer engaged.

“I wanted to apologize in person. We were good friends once.”

“I know.” Her voice softened. “And I hope we will be again. We lost that somewhere along the line.”

He shoved a hand into his front pocket and started across the kitchen. “We were good together for a while, and then... I stopped thinking a

bout you and took advantage. Thanks for sticking up for me with Roger.”

At least he’d admitted his mistakes. And maybe even learned from them. He deserved to be happy and she wished him the best, as long as it wasn’t with her. “You’re a good attorney. You never needed me as leverage.”

He stepped up beside her.

“Nothing’s happened to change your position... has it?” she asked, wondering if her father had acted out of belated parental concern.

“Actually, yes.”

“I’m sorry. My father promised he’d be fair.”

Peter grinned. “He was. You’re looking at the newest litigation partner.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s great news.”

His smile never reached his eyes. Instead he brushed a strand of hair off her cheek. “I never meant to hurt you.” His hand came to rest on her shoulder.

She’d liked Peter, and he wasn’t the only one who’d made mistakes. “I know that.”

“Work time’s over, Carly. Time for a little fun.” Mike’s deep chuckle and footsteps reverberated throughout the small house.

The sounds stopped abruptly. “I had no idea we had company.”


“I know you’re my brother and she’s your ex, but I’d appreciate it if you’d take your hands off her.” The cool control in Mike’s voice startled her.

Peter obeyed his command, releasing her immediately. No doubt it was the shock of Mike’s sudden appearance that had him responding so quickly. Taking advantage, she took a few steps backward.

Peter’s gaze ping-ponged from Carly to his brother. Mike stood, arms crossed over his bare chest. Fresh from a shower, his hair was damp and his jeans were zipped but unbuttoned. He looked settled and comfortable, a man who had a rightful place in her home.

The intimacy of the situation couldn’t have escaped Peter. “Well,” he said, “I see I’m not the only one who was fooled.” The hurt in his voice was unmistakable. “While I was working, giving you free rein over my fiancée, you took advantage.” He glared at his brother.

“It wasn’t like that,” Carly said, hoping to prevent irreparable harm between Mike and Peter.

“Are you telling me looks are deceiving?” He pinned her in place with a narrow stare.

“Yes.” Carly glanced down at her bare legs. “I mean no.” She threw up her hands in despair. “Nothing happened until after I got up here.”

Peter laughed aloud. “I’m not that big a fool. At least you could have been honest about why you broke up with me.” He turned toward Mike. “And you...”

Mike stepped toward his brother. “She’s telling the truth.”

“And why should I believe you?”

Mike groaned.

“Because he’s your brother,” Carly said. “And the only real family you have.”

“Which is why he should have kept his damn hands to himself.”

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