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Secret Fantasy

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“Except not let him get away?” Merrilee asked, both amused and pleased Juliette was responding so strongly to Doug.

She grinned. “Exactly.”

The young woman had made Merrilee’s decision that much simpler. Bound by confidentiality and ethics, she wasn’t at liberty to reveal Doug Houston’s background or relation to

Juliette’s recent past. That was for the two of them to work out, if and when the time came. But she’d studied Doug all afternoon and watched him around Juliette.

He might not be all he seemed, but Merrilee didn’t believe he was looking to hurt Juliette. “Well, I don’t see any problem. Whatever Doug’s fantasy, and you understand I can’t reveal that, it doesn’t involve another woman.”

Relief washed over Juliette. She hadn’t realized how nervous she’d been that she’d lose Doug before she ever had him. “So he’s…”


She laughed. “I was going to say mine.”

Merrilee leaned back in her seat. “Something tells me the man won’t know what hit him.”

Juliette grinned. “They say turnaround is fair play. As long as I’m giving in to the idea of this fantasy, I figured, why not try for the man who interests me most?”

“And I take it he’s fulfilling your fantasy needs?”

“Making me feel like no one or nothing else is more important than me?” She nodded. “He’s extremely good at that.” And so much more. His intensity was incredible. A woman could go her whole life without being the sole focus of a man’s attention. “I guess I owe my sister a thank-you for giving me this one week to enjoy and escape the problems back home.”

Merrilee nodded. “My hope is that my guests leave here with a whole new perspective on life.”

Juliette met Merrilee’s understanding gaze. “I’m hoping to leave here with a whole new perspective on a lot of things.”

“Well, if there’s anything I can do, please stop by again.”

She nodded. “Thank you. For everything. And until you find out who your secret admirer is, I hope you enjoy the attention.”

Just as Juliette would enjoy Doug’s.

Merrilee smiled, then stood, bracing her arms on the desk. “So, enjoy your stay at the resort, and let your fantasy begin.”

“I certainly will.” Juliette nodded, letting herself out of the office.

Her hand still on the cool doorknob, she recalled her time with Doug. For a split second this afternoon, she’d taken one look at such a good-looking man and nearly laughed at herself for thinking he’d be interested in her. Then she’d felt his hot hand against her thigh and his strong words of reassurance. She’d realized it was Stuart speaking inside her, making her doubt herself, stifling the confident woman she ought to be.

She’d allowed Doug to bring her confidence back because he cared enough to try. And caring was something she’d obviously missed out on—along with sexual tension and amazing chemistry. She thought about the upcoming week. Doug was a man who’d distract her from the dilemma over how and when to reveal her ex-fiancé’s deceit. A man with whom she could cast away the safety net she’d hidden behind all her life and discover the sensual side of herself she’d believed was missing or nonexistent. A man she’d never see again after their time together.

And most important, a man who wasn’t using her for her social or political connections.

JULIETTE STEPPED out of her cottage and into the humid night air. The floral scent she’d come to associate with the island hung heavy but, after the stifling isolation of home, she welcomed the fresh air and fragrant smells. She followed the narrow path that led from the isolated set of cottages to the beach where tonight’s festivities awaited her. Where Doug awaited her, she hoped.

Torches lined the sandy shore and the orange glow of flames stood out in stark contrast to the inky night sky. She stepped down the rickety wooden stairs and paused. A bonfire burned on one section of the beach and a band playing Beach Boys type music rocked on a makeshift stage. People mingled, some in pairs, others in groups, a few individuals wandered alone. She wasn’t in the mood to socialize with complete strangers, except maybe one in particular. She narrowed her gaze and searched through the crowd.

“Looking for someone?” His voice sounded from behind her.

Her heartbeat immediately doubled. “Just taking in the sights.”

“If you say so.” He laughed.

The deep, masculine sound caused ripples of warmth to ooze through her veins.

“But I know I was looking for you.” His voice held a gentle heat, but it was his word choice that warmed her.

“You found me. I was just about to take a look around.”

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