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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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He gritted his teeth and slid his hand into the band of her bikini bottoms, coming into contact with smooth, bare skin. He sucked in a shallow breath, his cock very much aware of the fact that he wouldn’t be the one getting relief. And he didn’t care.

“Hold on to me,” he instructed, and she responded immediately, grasping his forearms tightly. Her sex was slick with arousal, his fingers drenched. “You’re so wet,” he said, a low groan of satisfaction ripping from his throat.

“Are you going to do something about it?” she asked.

At her teasing attempt at control, he squeezed one ass cheek in his hand. She gasped, her brown eyes opening wide, followed by a renewed wetness coating his fingers.

“I will when you let me call the shots.” He watched her carefully. Normally Lucy would give him hell about his need to dominate, but right now? Her brown eyes softened, and she spread her legs wider and waited.

He loved that his gut was right, that she would like submitting in the bedroom. Inside and out, she’d push his boundaries too, and damned if he didn’t get off on that. Right now, though, his focus was on getting her off.

He kissed her cheek, slid his tongue along her soft jawline and down her neck. Her head tipped back to give him better access.

“Mmm, that feels good,” she murmured. “You feel good.”

He nipped at her jaw. “And you taste delicious,” he murmured, tasting the salt on her skin. He was more than happy to make a meal of her right here and now.

Meanwhile, his fingers worked her sex, sliding back and forth across her soft, slick flesh, and he clenched his jaw against the sensations rocking his body at the feel of her juices and heat. He kept up the pressure and rubbed his fingers along her slit, spreading the moisture around before pressing his finger directly on her clit.

Her hips bucked, and she began circling against his hand. He dipped lower, easing one finger inside her while continuing to stimulate her clit with his thumb. It didn’t take long before he found the spot inside her that, combined with the insistent external pressure, had her coming apart in his arms. And what a s

ight it was, the sun on her face, her body flush against his, trembling as her lips parted with pleasure he was giving.

He held her until she came back to herself, then, without a word, scooped her into his arms and carried her back to the bungalow. They’d had fun. And she’d come hard. Mission one accomplished.

Chapter Four

Lucy showered, aware that Max was in the next room, probably doing the same thing. Her body still tingled from that amazing orgasm, yet funny enough, her climax wasn’t the main thing that struck her about today. She’d spent so long changing and muting herself to suit someone else’s needs, she’d surprised herself with her game of catch me if you can. They’d played in the ocean, splashing and frolicking, both well aware of the sexual undercurrents between them. It had been a very long time since Lucy had allowed herself to relax and enjoy life. Too long, if her enjoyment and reaction to today was any indication.

Knowing her tendency to peel from sunburn, she lathered her body in coconut moisturizer before pulling on a white sundress that tied like a halter on top. She knew too well what had happened the last time she’d worn a string tie around Max. Her nipples were deliciously sore from his calloused fingertips, and her sex still felt achy and wet. Shower or not, just thinking of Max got her juices flowing all over again.

She drew a deep breath and walked into the living area, where Max was pouring himself a glass of Avión tequila on the rocks. His bare feet peeked out of a faded pair of jeans. He hadn’t yet put on a shirt, and his hair was still damp from the shower. He was muscular, masculine, and hot. She was dying to lick every inch of that gorgeous body and let him do the same to her. Gone were her reservations when all that awaited her was fun and pleasure. She just needed to keep perspective, and she’d have the vacation of a lifetime.

He turned, as if he’d sensed her. “Hey, beautiful.” His eyes roamed over her appreciatively. Again, it had been so long since any man had looked at her with such blatant longing and admiration for the woman she was, it was a heady feeling. And one she could get used to.

“Can I get you a drink?” he asked.

She nodded. “I’ll have a glass of chardonnay if we have it?”

He opened the small refrigerator in the bar area and pulled out a bottle. “Looks like we’re well stocked.”

He pulled out the cork and poured her a glass.

“Decklan called me while I was getting dressed. They wanted to join us for dinner, but Amanda isn’t feeling well. They figure it’s better she rest before the rehearsal and wedding.” Lucy shook her head and sighed. “I feel so bad for her, going away for her wedding and ending up sick.”

Max nodded. “Hopefully it’s a twenty-four-hour thing and she’ll feel better tomorrow. Although I can’t say I’m disappointed to have you alone for the night.”

Warmth settled in the pit of her stomach at his words. She eased into the soft, plush couch and curled her legs beneath her. “So what did you want to do for dinner? The main resort has a great restaurant, and there’s also poolside dining.”

Before he could answer, a knock sounded at the door. “I’ll get it.” Max strode over to the door and returned with a young woman dressed in the resort’s standard khakis and white shirt, carrying in a tray of food.

She placed everything on the table in front of the couch as per Max’s instructions. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked.

“No thank you, we’re good,” Max said.

She smiled. “Enjoy.”

“Thank you,” Lucy said, surprised that Max had obviously thought ahead. Then again, he’d set up this beachfront bungalow for two, so nothing he planned ought to surprise her.

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