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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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He walked her over to a chair and, with a gentle push on her shoulders, settled her in. He braced his hands on the arms and bent to face her. “What’s going on? Are you embarrassed we’re together?”

She frowned up at him. “We’re not together, Max. We’re having a vacation fling.”

“So I’m right,” he said, his gaze narrowing. “From the minute I came back from my walk, you’ve been on edge and pulling away.”

She stiffened and looked away. “I don’t know what you mean.”

The hell she didn’t. He gripped her chin in his hand and forced her to face him, ignoring the annoyed look in her eyes.

“You locked me out of the bathroom while you showered,” he said, frustration filling him at the memory.

“So we wouldn’t get carried away again and be late!”

Irritation bit at her tone, but he wasn’t buying it and raised an eyebrow at the blatant lie. “You tried to pull your hand away before we walked in here. And you tried to downplay what really happened between us on the island.”

“Because my brothers don’t need their little sister’s sex life thrown in their face!”

“And you’re pulling away now. What happened to the woman who promised to chill and enjoy what the island brings?” Max asked, using her own words to call her out.

Lucy cringed, knowing he was right. “I—” I didn’t want to suffer any more loss, Lucy thought, but she didn’t want to admit that out loud.

The intensity that had been building between herself and Max on the island scared her, as did what this wedding symbolized in her life. More than anything, Lucy needed to get back to New York and begin building a life there. Alone.

“Decklan and Amanda are ready!” Isabelle called out, interrupting them from further conversation.

Lucy blew out a long breath, knowing she’d been given a reprieve. “We need to get going,” she said, rising from her seat and smoothing the wrinkles in her dress.

Max frowned and stood up too. “This isn’t finished,” he warned her. “I have a lot I want to say to you.”

Lucy didn’t reply, because they didn’t have time for an argument, and Max knew it too. She turned to face him. She stared into his handsome face, memorizing his features. Although they’d be working together in New York, things would never be the same between them again.

“Thank you for this time here,” she said to him. “It was really wonderful.”

He narrowed his gaze. “Why does that sound like good-bye?”

Before she could answer, they were joined on the terrace by Gabe, Isabelle, and a very dapper-looking Noah in his daddy’s arms. Lucy grinned at the sight.

Decklan walked outside next. “We’re supposed to go down to the beach. Amanda will meet us there,” he said, shifting from foot to foot.

“Nervous?” Gabe asked, slapping his brother on the back.

“Nah. I just want this over with so I can call her my wife.”

Lucy’s heart did a sweet yet painful thump in her chest.

A little while later, they stood beneath a white canopy surrounded by island flowers. A light ocean breeze blew gently, bringing with it the salty smell of the ocean and sound of the waves lapping at the shore.

Amanda walked down the aisle in a white, flowing dress, gliding toward her waiting groom. Decklan waited with a big grin on his face, his eyes on his future wife. Lucy was happy for her brother, but that tender lump in her throat and catch in her chest remained throughout the ceremony.

Still, it was a happy occasion. The bride and groom kissed… long and intimately, making Lucy squirm, and her gaze fell on Max, his amber eyes watching her solemnly. He was concerned about the change in her mood, and she silently acknowledged he had every right to worry.

Although she planned to celebrate, dance, and enjoy the post-wedding party along with her family, she’d also called ahead and secured a room in the castle for the night, along with the first flight off Eden in the morning. Max wouldn’t be happy, but he wouldn’t start an argument in front of her family either.

She was counting on it.

Chapter Six

Max had been back in New York for three weeks, and time hadn’t cured his hurt, anger, or frustration with Lucy. She’d not only left him alone their last night in Eden, opting to stay at the castle—with no real excuse for not returning to their cabin—but she’d taken the first flight out, leaving him to travel back to New York alone. No notice, no warning. Only the fact that he understood her panic and the reasons behind her fear enabled him to back off.

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