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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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“Is Lucy giving you a hard time?” Gabe asked, joining them, a glass of scotch in his hand.

Fuck. Max didn’t need an in-depth probing into his emotions with the Dare brothers.

“Your sister is giving herself a harder time than anyone else is giving her. But I’ve got it under control.” Or he was trying to control her feelings and it wasn’t working, Max thought, frustrated because this weekend he felt like he’d taken steps backward, not forward.

“It’s time!” Amanda said, leading the women into the family room.

Isabelle walked over to Gabe and wrapped her arms around him, joining him on the sofa. Amanda did the same to Decklan. Lucy pulled up a chair from the dining room and sat by herself, proving his earlier point.

Max’s gut was right. She was backing off. He gave her space for now, sensing she needed it. He’d crowd her later and try to figure out what was going on inside her head.

“So we have news,” Amanda said, her tone rising with excitement.

“As if we haven’t figured it out,” Isabelle said under her breath, but her eyes twinkled with the same delight as Amanda’s.

Lucy chuckled, telling Max that she, also, knew what was going on. But Max was clueless.

“I’m pregnant!” Amanda said, taking Max by surprise.

Apparently women’s intuition had outsmarted him on this one, Max thought wryly. He watched Lucy as everyone congratulated the couple. Without a doubt, conflicting emotions crossed her face. Yes, she was happy about her brother and Amanda’s pregnancy, but obviously she’d known the announcement was coming… and maybe that’s what had her upset.

“There’s more news,” Decklan said, drawing Max’s attention. “We’re moving,” he said, once everyone had retaken their seats. “Can’t raise a family in this small place.” He sounded every bit like a proud father to be, and Max was happy for his friend.

“Want to know the best part?” Amanda asked, practically glowing. “We bought a house near Gabe and Isabelle!” she said with a squeal of excitement.

“Playdates! Lunches!” Isabelle said, and the two women were off and running, discussing all the things they could do together once they lived close by.

The husbands watched, amused, but Max’s attention was on Lucy… as she appeared to shrink back and into herself.

Time to get her out of here, Max thought. She couldn’t live in her head anymore, and it was time for them to have a long, emotional talk. Unfortunately they couldn’t leave now, not without being rude. But after dinner and before dessert, Max suggested they head home. Lucy immediately stood up to kiss her family good-bye, relief in her brown eyes.

He drove them back into the city, leaving the serious talk for once they were home.

* * *

Max parked in the garage beneath her building, but instead of heading upstairs to the apartment, he led her out of the garage and outside. She decided not to ask questions and see what he had in mind.

Her hand in his, they walked toward Central Park. The late October weather had begun turning cold, and he pulled her close. Conflicting emotions churned inside her after Decklan and Amanda’s announcements. She appreciated Max’s strength and heat, and curled into him as they walked.

He stopped at an empty bench, and they settled in, the slats beneath her thighs as cold as she felt inside.

“What are we doing here?” she asked.

“I wanted to go somewhere quiet.”

Lucy bit down on her lower lip and met his obviously concerned gaze. He’d shaved early this morning, but he already had a shadow on his handsome face.

“Umm, why? Is something wrong?”

He grasped her hand, and her stomach flipped with nerves. “Because I noticed that lately something’s bothering you… and when we were at your brother’s, I realized what was going on.”

“Oh? And what’s that?” She straightened her shoulders, always wary and a little angry when he got into her head and read her mind.

“I’m doing this all wrong.” He let out a groan. “Look, I shouldn’t have to guess at what you’re thinking or feeling. I’d rather you tell me what’s going on,” he said, frustration etched in his face. “Dammit, open up for once. Share your feelings with someone you know is going to understand.”

“Fine. I knew Amanda was pregnant and they’d be telling us about it soon. And I’m happy for them. I am. But it’s hard to watch them move on with their lives without me, okay?” Tears sprung to her eyes at the admission.

The truth hurt and made her feel guilty because she shouldn’t be resentful of her brothers’ happiness. She loved them and wanted them to be happy.

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