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Dare to Seduce (NY Dares 3)

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Sounded good to him. Whatever she had to say, he wanted to hear. As long as it wasn’t good-bye. Because if almost losing him had convinced her to give up on them…

“I love you,” she said, the words sounding thought out and sure.

He blinked, stunned because he’d thought he’d never hear that phrase from her beautiful lips. Hell, he’d convinced himself he could live without hearing it, if it meant still having her in his life. He knew now, as she offered all of herself, that he’d been wrong. Having only part of her would never have been enough.

“I love you too, princess,” he said, his voice gruff.

“I can’t believe I thought keeping my emotions locked up would keep me from being hurt.” She treated him to a smile, but clearly she was still beating herself up. “If I’d lost you, I’d regret all the things I never said, the love I never showed you. I’ve been selfish and I’m so sorry.” Her tears flowed freely once more.

“There’s nothing to apologize for. You couldn’t help your reaction to something so vital being taken away from you. Of all people, I understand.” He drew a breath, doing his best not to cough, cause his head to pound harder, and send that nurse running back in here. “I hurt Cindy in an effort to protect myself. I’m sure as hell not going to judge you. But promise me one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“We put it all behind us and enjoy life from here on out.”

“That I can do. Will you do something for me?” she asked on a shaky breath.

“Name it.”

She lifted his hand, threading their fingers together. “Marry me. I don’t want to waste any more time being afraid of what could be taken away from me. I want to know I’m celebrating the life I do have.”

Max wondered if he’d lost his hearing in the blast. “Did you just say marry you?” he asked incredulously.

She nodded, eyes wide and uncertain.


Her lips lifted, her smile wide and real.

“But know you’re going to pay for asking,” he said in a stern voice, though inside he felt light and incredibly happy.

“What? Why?”

“Because I’m the one in control, remember?”

“In the bedroom, not out of it!” she sputtered.

He chuckled but ignored her proclamation, figuring she needed a reminder of all the things that worked well in their relationship. “Since you tried to take that control away from me, I’m going to make sure you feel the sting of my hand on your ass, princess.”

Her mouth parted in a soft oh, and her eyes dilated as she thought through his statement… and realized she wanted him to take back those reins. “Fine,” she said on a huff. “As long as you’re mine, I don’t mind letting you think you’re in control.”

He burst out laughing at that, which did cause his head to pound, and he groaned out loud.

“Max, lie still!” Lucy said, this time her tone brooking no argument.

Which was exactly what he appreciated about their relationship, the give and the take. “Whatever you say.”

She pulled up a chair and leaned in close. “How bad is the restaurant?” she asked.

“It’s gone.”

She closed her eyes and sighed.

“Doesn’t matter. Things can be replaced. It’s people that matter.”

“Amen. And whatever happens, I’ll be there to help you rebuild.”

He ran a tired hand over her long tresses. “I’m counting on it,” he said on a yawn. “I’m counting on you.” His heavy eyelids wanted to close, and he stopped fighting the exhaustion.

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