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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

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“I did too. But you’ll love this as well. It’s all arranged with Addi and Robert. You’re covered. Your parents will look after Cash. We leave in two weeks.”

She pushed the tray away, climbing onto my lap. I pulled her into my arms, our mouths fused together. Kisses of salty bacon and sweet coffee were perfect when shared with my wife.

“I have a present for you too.”

“You?” I asked hopefully, running my hand up her leg.

She laughed, taking my hand. She slid it under the T-shirt she wore, resting it on her stomach and covering it with hers. “Guess what?”

“You want the shirt off?”


“You’re trying to distract me to get the last piece of bacon?”

She laughed, then became serious. “Your hand is covering your gift.”

It took me a moment, then her message became clear. “Little Dragon, are you—are you pregnant?”

“I am. We’re going to be a family, Hunter.”

I had her wrapped up in my arms again in a second. Another astonishing gift from my wife. I was going to be a father.

Eighteen months ago, I was alone. Adrift without roots. Lost and searching for something I would never find because I didn’t know what it was.

Now, because of the woman I was holding, I was a husband, a friend, an adopted son. I knew I had been loved and wanted by someone in my childhood. I had memories and laughter. Love that surrounded me. A home. A wonderful life. And soon, a child to share that with. A tiny being I would already give my life for.

“Is everything okay? You’re okay?”

“Yes. You can come for the ultrasound.”

“I’ll be there for everything. I swear I won’t let you or our baby down.”

“I know. You’re going to be a great daddy, Hunter.”

Daddy. What a beautiful word. Family was another one. And right now, I was holding my entire family, my world, in my arms.

I looked at Ava, tears in my eyes. “Best gift ever.”

She smiled, her happiness reflected in her beautiful gaze.

“Your dad and mom will flip. That secures my place as favorite son-in-law.”

She laughed, not pointing out the fact that I was the only one. Instead, mischief danced in her eyes.

“Does this mean I get the last piece of bacon?” She grinned. “The baby wants it.”

I offered her the plate. “Anything.”

* * *

A year later

The world was still around me. I looked over the water, the sun not even rising above the gently moving waves. I rocked slowly, staring down into the sleeping face of our son. I’d loved him the entire time Ava was pregnant, talking to him, reading him poems and funny books, putting headphones on her stomach so he could hear my favorite songs. But the moment they placed him in my arms, something in me settled. The last, final piece to the heart I thought I didn’t have.

Love, so infinite and strong, seeped into my body. Drip by drip, it filled up all the tiny cracks that still lingered. The healing Ava had started finished with Austin Jackson Owens.

I ran my finger down his downy cheek, marveling at him. He was perfect. The best thing I had ever done in my life.

He snuggled closer, and I smiled down at him.

“Let me tell you about your mother. You are going to love her.”

* * *


I woke up to an empty bed. I wasn’t surprised. Hunter was no doubt in the nursery with Austin. He was fascinated by him.

But as I slowly eased from the bed, I heard Hunter’s voice on the deck. I peeked out the door, trying not to cry at the sight. He was wrapped in a blanket, our son cuddled to his chest, and he was talking to him.

“You have a great family around you. They’re the best. A little loud, but the best. And the best of all of them is your mommy. You are so lucky to have her. We both are.” He was quiet for a moment. “Your mommy is a walking contradiction. All women are, but that’s a subject for another day. Your mother is a tough, smart businesswoman. She can work a boardroom, run a jobsite, and flip any asshole who dares to cross her. I am unbelievably proud of her.” He pressed a kiss to Austin’s head. “I can say this now because you can’t do anything to stop me. She is damn sexy in a skirt.” Hunter laughed. “In anything, really, but one day you’ll get it.”

Hunter rocked for a moment. I tried to wipe away the tears, but they kept coming. I had been like this since Austin was born—my emotions were right at the surface.

Hunter started talking again. “Your mommy has this soft side. She needs to be held and taken care of—that’s my job. I think you and I are going to see it a lot the next while. I like the fact that I know about it. She hides it. It’s sort of our secret, although the family knows she is pretty sweet—they just pretend to be afraid of her.” He stroked Austin’s back. “You hit the jackpot with Mommy. I’m glad I have her to help me with you. She is way smarter. Prettier too. And she smells really nice. She’ll teach you all the good things, and I’ll show you power tools and baseball. We’re a good team that way.”

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