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Age of Ava (Vested Interest - ABC Corp 4)

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It had felt good to sit with them and shake off the day. Addi had been in the meeting where I had once again been subjected to name-calling. Not only had she immediately put a stop to any dealings with the company, but Ronan and Brayden had escorted Mr. Edgington none too gently from the building. I tried to hide it, but it upset me. I was used to dealing with tough men. Men who tried to intimidate and talk down to me. Quite often, I ended up winning them over, earning their grudging respect. Sometimes I wasn’t successful. I was used to that. But it felt lately as if the insults had taken on a new level. The disparity nastier. More personal.

Or maybe Hunter was right when he said he thought I was tired. Maybe I needed a break. A holiday.

I glanced at my phone, slightly embarrassed I had texted him. I had to admit, rereading the texts this morning, I felt a delight at his teasing and a thrill at his instant protectiveness. Ronan had told me the two of them were getting along well, and it pleased me. A part of me, way down deep inside, hoped if he made friends with us, if he saw how great living here could be, he would stay. That I wouldn’t have to say goodbye. That the part of me that was growing more attached to him wouldn’t have to feel the pain of his leaving.

I sighed as I approached the door. I needed to tamp that down. He had made his position very clear. Still, a girl could hope.

My heart sped up as I opened the door and found Hunter sitting on the sofa, his long legs crossed at the knee, his foot bobbing impatiently. An empty cup of coffee sat in front of him. He’d obviously been here for a while.

He regarded me, his eyes lit with anger and determination, icy blue flames that mesmerized me.

“Um, hi,” I squeaked. I literally squeaked, my voice was so high. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

He unfurled himself from the sofa. “Really? You were pretty plain last night. You wanted to be fucked. By me. And I’m here to deliver.” He paused. “Me and my tongue.”

“Ah,” I managed to get out through my suddenly dry throat.

“And then we’re going to discuss the asshole that made you drink.”

“Brayden and Ronan kicked him off the property,” I said after clearing my throat. “I-I think they had a lot to say to him. Addi canceled the contract.”

“Good. I’m glad to know your family is protecting you. I guess that leaves me with the other job.”

He crossed the room in three long strides and swooped me into his arms.

“What job?” I asked, breathless.

“Fucking you into oblivion.” The anger in his eyes had been replaced by a scorching heat, a raging inferno of blue and silver lava. “It’s a dirty job, Little Dragon, but someone’s gotta do it.”

“I hope it’s really dirty,” I replied.

He grinned suddenly and leaned close, his mouth hovering over mine. “Filthy.”

* * *

I woke up, warmth surrounding me. Hunter had me held tight to his chest, his arms banded around me, his leg over mine, keeping me close. For a moment, I didn’t move, enjoying being so close to him. Gradually, I shifted and blinked in the bright morning light. Behind me, he grunted.

“You’re finally awake.”

I swallowed, wriggling from his hold and reaching for my bottle of water. I drank deeply and turned to look at him. “That’s what happens when you get fucked into oblivion.” I air-quoted the words and grimaced a little as I moved. “You did your job well.”

He crossed his arms under his head. “I figured that out by your screams of pleasure.”

“I didn’t scream.”

“Well, you groaned and called my name. Loudly. God and a few other deities too. You curse like a sailor when I fuck you.” He lifted one eyebrow. “Did you use to be one?”

I nodded. “I should have mentioned that.”

He threw back his head in laughter. “I see.”

I pushed him back and straddled his legs, running my hands along his bare chest, letting them drift lower, grinning as his dick began to thicken. “Permission to come aboard, Captain?”

He gripped my hips. “Permission granted. Both of them. Climb aboard and come. Hard.”


* * *

I was alone when I woke the next time. I slid from bed, my muscles protesting, and padded to the shower, letting the heat ease the ache. I dressed and put up my hair, then headed to the kitchen. The only evidence of Hunter being there earlier was the washed coffee cup in the drainer.

Well, that and the pleasant hum between my thighs.

I made a cup of coffee, frowning as I opened the fridge and saw the pot of sauce and meatballs I had made earlier in the week and never eaten. Glancing at the clock, I felt an idea form, and I pulled the pot from the fridge and set it on the stove to reheat. I drank my coffee on my front deck, waving at Liam as he went past in the golf cart, piled high with dirt and plants. Lucy was beside him, a big hat on her head, and she waved wildly as they drove by, a small shovel in her hand. The two of them would no doubt have a grand time digging in the dirt, with Lucy asking a thousand and one questions that Liam would patiently answer as he tried to make sure she didn’t drown his seedlings or attempt to bury her prosthetic arm and see if it would grow too. She was a constant source of amusement to everyone, and we all adored her. Liam especially so. Every time she called him Daddy, his face melted and he was putty in her hands.

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