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The Human Hunter (Alien Overlords 1)

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But he is my captor, and we are surrounded by violence and the promise of death. That might be what is telling all the ancient parts of my body to give into the alien chemistry between us.

I spread my legs. He cups my ass. What is going to happen next is as natural as it is inevitable. He is my savior, my raft, my vessel, and now my lover. His thick cock slowly pushes between the tender outer lips of my sex. I am wet with my own flows. They enable him to enter me with very little in the way of resistance. Slowly I am stretched to fit him. My body is made to take him. His large, clawed hands work my ass down a fraction of an inch at a time as my inner walls stretch and stretch again.

“I have missed you.” He growls words which do not make sense, and yet are swept away in the rough thrust of his hips. The first gentle, smooth intrusion soon proves to be nothing but an introduction. He twists about and the water splashes over me, covering my head for a moment as he fucks me, his body arching powerfully, contracting to force the entire length of his alien rod deep inside me.

He becomes as elementally dangerous as the river itself. He turns back over so I can breathe, gasping for air as his cock hammers my soaked cunt for at least two dozen strokes.There is pleasure, and there is pain.

Rath rolls again, thrusting me beneath the water. It is not to hurt me. It is to increase his pleasure because he is a predatory beast focused on his own pleasure. I open my eyes beneath the water and I see all the little creatures of the river swimming by unconcerned as my cunt is used all too thoroughly by my captor.

The sky returns as he rolls over again, allowing me to gasp for fresh breaths while keeping me pressed all the way down on his cock. I am shaking around his dick, my clit grinding against the hard lines of his alien flesh.

He holds me on his cock long after I have orgasmed, and after his seed has soaked my innards. I do not know how many times he has claimed me. I only know that he has been powerfully thorough. There is an ache between my thighs now as my inner muscles clench against the iron will and flesh of his ever penetrating rod.

“If we do nothing else, Lyric,” he growls. “I want to help you remember that you exist. You are not some part of a greater fabric. You are not merely a node in a data set. You are a creature for yourself, a beautiful, wild thing, and you always were.”

He speaks passionate, loving words without ever needing to use the simple word itself. He makes me feel alive all the way to the very core of me. He ignites my spirit. He makes me nostalgic for a time I cannot remember, but which I sense simmering inside me. Past, but not gone.

He has transformed me. His cock has branded me. His body has invaded me. I have become his in every single way. I cling to Rath as though he is the only thing in the universe. For all I know, he might be. Beneath my flushed face, the lights play through his augmentation circuits. I like the way they flash beneath me. I like the way I can feel him still pulsing through me, his seed swimming inside me.

I wonder if I dreamed of this and if those dreams manifested in this tryst, or if it is as Rath says, and I never knew what I wanted at all. What if my desire for him was programmed into me the same way my belief that I had blonde hair and a good job was programmed in?

“Stop thinking, human. You are not good at it.” He interrupts my train of thought and annoys me at the same time.

“I am intelligent!”

“Intelligence has nothing to do with being able to think. Your mind has been filled with propaganda and lies. Every thought you have is tainted. That is why I tell you nothing. That is why you should ask me nothing. You should try simply experiencing the world, paying attention, forming your own impressions.” He lectures me sternly, as if he is disappointed that this had not occurred to me in the first place.

“It is time to return.” He intones the words with solemnity which makes my innards feel like stone. I do not want to go back to Megaris. I want to float on the waters of the river with my alien lover for all eternity. But all rivers go somewhere, and this one has been entirely captured by the city.

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