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The Casanova (The Miles High Club 3)

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“No, I broke up with Frederick.”

I frown. “What happened to Alexander?”

“Oh.” She screws up her face. “I broke up with him months ago, he got so boring. When we had sex he would come in two minutes flat. I have needs that I’m not compromising on.”

Poor Alexander. I wonder if he knows she’s telling the world about his performance. Seriously . . . what a cold bitch. I take a big gulp of wine. Jeez. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Don’t say it.

“Tell me, how’s that boss of yours doing. Elliot Miles, the gorgeous specimen.”

I cough as I choke. “What?” I wince.

“I’m in London for a few days, I might look him up.”

Horror runs through me. “Do you know him?”

“We’ve seen each other before, but no formal introduction. Although I’m making sure that changes.”

“He’s getting married,” I lie.


“Well, he’s taken,” I scoff.

“Darling.” She smiles as if I’m stupid. “If I want Elliot Miles, I will take him from whoever I have to.”

I clench my jaw as fury runs through me. “You would actually stoop so low as to break up a happy relationship?”

“Of course, why not? I’ve done it before and I can do it again.” She casually sips her wine. “Where does he go out to? What clubs? What do you know?”

My angry heartbeat echoes through my ears. “I’m not sure.” I tip my head back and drain my glass.

She stares into space as she thinks. “Maybe I can come and see you at work, accidently knock on his office door.”

My eyes widen in horror. “No. You won’t do that,” I snap. “I forbid you to try and see him, Elanor. This is my job, don’t ruin it for me.”

“Oh hush.” She rolls her eyes again. “Always so dramatic. You’re acting like you have a crush on him or something.”

“Maybe I do,” I blurt out.

She gives me a smile and raises her glass in the air as a silent salute. “Well then.”

“Well then, what?”

“Nothing.” She shrugs casually as if she has a secret.

“What, Elanor?” I snap.

“You’ve worked for him for years and you haven’t snagged him, it’s obviously not going to happen. Is it?” She sips her wine. “And besides, you’re seeing someone else.”

Damn it, why did I lie?

“What makes you think he would fall at your feet anyway?” I snap.

She flicks her hair over her shoulders. “Because he will.”

I sit at the table and push my food around my plate with my fork.

“What’s wrong?” Elliot asks as he watches me. “You’ve been quiet all night.”

I exhale heavily. I know this is going to make me sound insecure and pathetic but I can’t help it, I have to say it.

“My sister told me today that she is making a play for you.”

He frowns.

“And she’s beautiful, Elliot, and she gets whatever man she wants.”

His tongue swipes over his bottom lip as he tries to hide his smile. “And there she is. My beautiful, vulnerable Kate.” He takes my hand over the table.

I roll my eyes, knowing how pathetic I sound. “Don’t.”

“Well, did you tell her that I’m taken?”


“And what did she say?”

“She told me she could get you to leave any woman.”

He picks up my hand and kisses my fingertips, clearly amused by my insecurity. “I’m with you. Your sister . . . or any other woman for that matter, doesn’t stand a chance.”

My eyes search his.

“You have my word,” he promises.

I give him a stifled smile. “I just know—”

“She’s not you, Kate,” he cuts me off, leans over, and takes my face into his hands and kisses me tenderly. “There is only one Landon sister that I want, and she’s right here.” He puts the palm of my hand over his chest.

I smile against his lips, feeling a little better.

“And just so you know, if one of my brothers made a play for you? They wouldn’t survive it.”

My heart swells, and just when I think I can’t care for this man more than I already do . . .

He proves me wrong again.

I wake alone and stretch in the dawn light as it streams through the window. Where is my man? I make my way downstairs; the house is empty. Where is he?

I look out the back and catch sight of him in the gardens.

Elliot has his back to me and is looking out over the lake, fully dressed in his suit with his coffee in his hand, the steam from his cup rising in the cold air. The ducks are around his feet, happily pecking at the ground. He walks along, totally entranced by his surroundings as they all follow him like long-lost friends. Every now and then a duck gets too close and he kicks his leg out to clear himself some space.

I lift my phone and take a few photos of him. He really does love this place and I can’t say I blame him. I love seeing him so happy here.

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