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Evan's Envy (Sinful 2)

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Sticking to her guns, knowing Benji would be able to perform at the top of his game later if she did, Glenda wiggled her finger back and forth in a no-no gesture and laughed.

“Fine. I’ll wait, then. You’re not going to turn me down for Evan are you?”

Shocked, Glenda said, “Why on earth would I do that? I don’t love him and you know it. Are you going to get weird on me now? Did I ask you that about my best friend?” After the initial shock, Glenda was irritated at the question. “When did you become so insecure, Benji?”

Holding up both hands in a surrender pose, he stepped to his towel and picked it up. “I’m not insecure, Glenda. I was just asking. Usually you don’t put me off, is all.”

Nodding, she watched as he tossed the towel across his shoulder and headed for the bedroom.

He returned dressed in a pair of loose shorts and put the roast in the oven. Glenda had donned her dress again and sat at the kitchen table looking out over the seemingly endless stream of traffic on the street below.

Stage whispering, Benji called to her. “Did you hear that?” He pointed to the wall by the stove.

“Hear what?” She stood and shrugged at him. She’d heard nothing. He acted as if he were listening to a murder or something just as sinister.

He motioned for her to come to him, excitement all over his face. He put a finger to his lips.

Just when she was about to give up hearing anything, she heard it. Evan moaned and a woman giggled and another woman moaned.

Glenda knew it must be the two women she’d seen going into Evan’s apartment earlier. She hadn’t told Benji about them because she didn’t want him to find out that she’d seen Evan naked. Any talk about it might have led her to a slip-up that would’ve possibly caused trouble.

“He’s not going to be fit for this evening. They’re working him over good from the sounds of it. Lucky bastard, like I said, and he doesn’t even have to work for it.” Benji looked down and kept listening.

“Lucky, huh? How’s he any luckier than you when you have two or more women working you over? Would you rather just have booty calls than a steady? Is that what you meant by that?”

Tears stung the backs of her eyes. Benji had never said anything like that to her before; she thought they were both happy and satisfied and content in their relationship. Now she had to wonder.

Only glancing up at her, he replied, “Don’t be so touchy. You know what I meant.” He turned his head in the other direction and chuckled as Evan moaned loudly.

One of the women began talking dirty to Evan and Benji got a kick out of it; he also got hard again. He only noticed that Glenda had gone to the table again when he turned to stand straight.

Glenda, still upset, wanted nothing to do with Benji when he sauntered over, showing off his erection. She turned her head and looked out the other window, completely ignoring him.

“Now can I get some of your good stuff? You heard him over there. He’ll not be up for our threesome later.” He slid his hand down her dress and tweaked her nipple.

She didn’t stop him, but she didn’t answer either.

Chapter 7


Jessica and Nina had done their best to please Evan, and he’d been well-satisfied for sure, but he wanted, needed something more. He wanted Glenda. She would make him feel as if he’d accomplished something in the realm of women.

At six, Evan knocked on Benji’s door and was pleasantly surprised when Glenda answered. Her expression was dull and her eyes were red.

“Are we still on for dinner?” Had she been crying? He tried to look past her for Benji.

“Yeah, we’re still on for dinner.” She motioned him in and shut the door after. “Benji won’t be joining us, though.” She motioned toward the dining table.

“Why? Is everything all right?” He suspected Ben might have had another one of those calls—which he highly suspected was another woman, but he would never say that aloud to Glenda; it would hurt her too much.

“Just peachy.” She smiled.

“Hey, if you don’t want to have dinner, that’s fine. I’ll go back over to my place so you can be alone. No hard feelings.” He chucked her under the chin and flashed a grin at her.

“No! We have a roast that will just go to waste if someone doesn’t eat.” She looked him up and down and a small, flirty smile played on her face. “Besides, it might be nice to have you all to myself for a while.” She flounced into the kitchen, leaving him standing there staring after her.

“All right. We can’t have a roast going to waste, now can we?” He moved to the table and sat. “When’s Ben going to be back?”

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