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A Piece of Heaven (Allendale Four 1)

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I had already been to the bathroom a couple of times so I knew it was in the back of the house. I just had to navigate through the dining room (beer pong), the kitchen (Quarters), down the hallway (groping couples) to the bathroom next to the laundry room. The door was locked when I finally made it there, so I leaned against the wall to wait. Leaned may be an exaggeration. Slid to the floor into a pile may be more appropriate.

The bathroom door opened and I considered going in, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to get off the floor. Moving seemed really hard.

“You need some help?”

I looked up and saw Spencer standing over me. Gross. “No.”

He quirked an eyebrow and watched me try to manipulate my legs bound in repressively tight pants into a standing position. The heels didn’t help.

I sighed and reconsidered.

“Dammit. Yes, can I get some help, please?” I stretched an arm out and he tugged me up.

“You’re wasted.”

“No shit.”

He looked around. He looked a little drunk, too. His hazel eyes were a little unfocused and his normally pale cheeks were red. “Where’s Hall?”

“Outside. With his boyfriend.”

He laughed, tossing his head back. “Those two. One day they’ll come out.”

“Tell me about it,” I said, loving how close those guys were. “Okay, I gotta use the bathroom so...” I walked into the tiny room, closing the door behind me. Spencer was okay. A little dumb, definitely pretty. He used to have long, stringy hair that he cut off over the summer. That simple move increased his looks exponentially.

I took a minute in the bathroom, smoothing my hair, adjusting the neck of my shirt to maximum reveal. May as well give Jackson a good view since he was being such the doting boyfriend tonight. When I opened the door, I jumped in surprised to find Spencer waiting for me when I walked out.

He smiled and I ignored him and moved past.

“Hey wait,” he said and pulled me to the side. His hand felt weird and clammy. I stumbled behind him, still a little wobbly on my feet. He led us further down the dark hall. “So how long is this thing with Jackson gonna go on?”

Of course. He still believed the rumors. I shook my head. “However long is none of your business, that’s for sure.”

“Don’t be like that.” He pressed a hand against the wall next to my head and leaned in. Hayden pull

ed the same move a few days before in the garden. The way he did it was sexy. Spencer, on the other hand…I felt the prickle of anxiety travel up my spine. “Maybe when you’re done with him you can spend some time with me.”

Oh god. Just. No. “I really don’t think so, Spencer, but thanks for the offer.”

“Whatever, Heaven, it’s not like you have standards. You’ve got quite the trail of discards already. Blackwood melted the ice queen. I’d just be happy to be next on the list. You won’t regret it.”

Prick. “Are you kidding?”

He smirked. “Do I look like I’m kidding?” He moved his other hand to my hip and dragged me close. I felt his erection in his pants. Bile rose in my throat and panic stole my voice. “You’re really pretty hot. Peel away the hoodie and wow, smokin’ hot body. I never knew you were packin’ all that and now I want to see the rest of it.”

I forced my vocal cords to comply. “Shut up.”

Did he really think those were compliments? That girls wanted to hear his skeevy lines? Feel his disgusting boner? I cringed while his eyes roamed over my body. I gather the courage to knee him in the junk when someone came and pushed him aside. Thank god. I really didn’t want to see him cry over his broken balls.

“Beat it.” The voice came from the shadows.

Spencer hesitated, his jaw tensing. “Dude, mind your own fucking business.”

For the briefest of moments, I thought maybe the guy would listen. He would walk and I’d be left alone with this pervert. But a pale hand came down on Spencer’s shoulder and I blinked, recognizing those hands from countless days of passing notes and sharing assignments.

“Heaven is my fucking business.”

Spencer turned around, ready to fight, but he flinched, jerking his shoulder free. He’d just been caught hitting on a girl that came to the party with another guy, by that guy’s angry but completely loyal best friend. That’s who saved me.

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