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Valkyrie's Harem (Academy of Immortals 1)

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“Maybe,” I reply. “But the outcomes are real and not everyone lives forever.”

Agis studies me, and I can feel his strategic mind trying to figure me out. He opens his mouth to speak but a loud crash from the training room cuts him off.

“What the bloody hell?” he mutters, running down the hall.

Another loud thud greets us in the doorway. Roland and Armin are in the throes of a fight, each with the look of murder on their faces. They’re both shirtless, and it makes it even easier to see that they’re evenly matched, their bodies hard and toned with lean muscle. The same circular tattoo is inked over their heart, I

’ve seen the others bear it, too. Blood trickles down Armin’s cheek and Roland favors his right side. They both already got in some debilitating hits. They’re of similar height, and it’s a simple matter of who gets the upper hand.

“How long do you let this go?” I ask. Rupert and Marshal watch from the sides. Miya reads a book, completely uninterested. The sound of Roland’s fist against Armin’s face vibrates in my chest. “Agis!”

“They can’t actually kill one another,” he says, undisturbed by the whole scene. “But this is what I’m talking about. Rage. They’re filled with it. All they know how to do is fight and down here, it’s bottled up. The city is too clogged. The smells, the sounds the people…” He glances at my chest, and I roll my eyes. “The distractions. They’ll wreak havoc if they don’t get out of here, Hildi. So the answer to your question from earlier is no, I’m not doing this for myself. I’m trying to protect them and the people in this house.”

Armin gets Roland in a headlock and rams his knee into his back. But the German loses his hold, and he’s flipped on his back, dazing the man. A lethal glint appears in Roland’s eye, and I can’t stand by and watch any longer. I push past Agis and jump in the middle of them. Roland’s fist is already in motion, careening toward my jaw, but I dodge it, kneeing him in the gut, then swipe his legs out from beneath him. He grunts in surprise, and I grab his arm, pinning it behind his back. I won’t pretend like I can hold him long, but I whisper in his ear. “Knock it the fuck off, Roland, or I call down the Guardians.”

My words don’t quell his anger, but they get his attention. I push him away, and he falls flat on his face. With my boot, I kick Armin in the side and rest my hands on my hips, standing over them.

“You can’t say I didn’t warn you,” Agis says from across the room. Miya and Rupert watch us closely. Marshal’s eyes spark with curiosity.

Armin spits blood on the mat while Roland rocks back on his heels, catching his breath. I look at the pair of barbarians. “One thing’s for sure, none of you can be left here alone with Morgan and the baby.” I wipe Roland’s sweat off my hands. “And another thing: the Crusade isn’t a battle. It’s not a war. It’s a journey. You can’t just kill your way through it.”

Miya finally speaks, “What do you mean?”

“I mean if you’re going to take the Guardians' place, then you need organization and a plan. You’re going to need a real leader.” I push my long blonde braid over my shoulder. “You’re going to need me.”



Hildi walks out of the room, leaving the six of us alone. My blood still races from my fight with Roland. What she doesn’t know is that our fight started over her.

“Guess that shows you she’s more than a plaything,” I mutter, feeling disgust at my fellow Immortal. We’ve all done our best to treat the Valkyrie with respect, but Roland’s intolerance for women is anchored deep in his psyche.

“Women aren’t meant to fight on the battlefield,” he declares, wiping his face. “They’re made for the bedroom and kitchen.”

“The gods made Hildi—she’s a warrior—with a chosen purpose. Possibly more than you,” Miya declares. “You shouldn’t underestimate her.”

Roland snorts. “She’s half the reason we’re holed up in this place. She whispers in the Queen’s ear and has us kept on a short leash.” He tugs a shirt over his head. “Maybe she wants us close for a reason.”

“She doesn’t want to fuck you, Roland,” Marshal says, stretching his long arms over his head. “She likes women.”

Roland palms his cock. “Maybe she just needs the right experience.”

“Don’t be a pig,” I say. “She’s grieving. She lost a loved one.”

Roland shakes his head. “You’re weak, Armin. I barely recognize you in this world. You were better a slave fighting in the pits. Out here you’re a pussy worried about feelings and emotions.” He glances at Marshal. “You seriously haven’t thought about those plump lips circling your cock?”

The expression on Marshal’s face is clear that yes, he certainly has, but he shakes his head. “Forget it, Roland. If you really need to get laid, talk to one of the Guardians, I’m sure they have access to women.”

“I’m sure I can find a release in the Crusade,” he says, strolling out of the room.

His talk makes me uneasy. We’re trespassers in this realm. All of us have antiquated attitudes, better positioned for a different lifetime and society. We have no idea what awaits us in the Crusade, but what Roland has in mind isn’t what the Raven Guard would want.

“He’s going to be a problem,” Agis says. “Especially if Hildi plans on going with us to the Crusade.”

Rupert runs his hand through his hair. “Yep.”

“Are we really going to do this?” Miya asks. “Take the Guardians' place?”

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