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Black Magic (The Raven Queen's Harem 3)

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Chapter Two


I ask Sam to gather the other guardians and have them meet me in the library in an hour. I’d found the book the day Xavier got sick. It was just hours after I lost my virginity to Clinton and found myself under increasing pressure to pick a mate from the five men in the house.

I know I’m not ready for that. As awkward and selfish as it sounds, I like them all. Each feels like a piece of the puzzle I’ve been missing in my life. Every time they push or suggest I make a decision, any ability to do so slips from my grasp. They would say it’s the Morrigan trying to keep me weak, but increasingly I feel it’s more than that. Much more.

Sleeping with Clinton is the primary reason for my view. I’d held off for so long—afraid of something—but when we made love it’s like the world crumbled and not only did I want him with me at the end, I wanted the same experience with the others too. I want to feel their bodies on top of me, naked and hot. I want to feel them inside of me, come in me.

Now that I understand, I’m less willing to concede to just one until I’ve had a taste of them all.

Sam with his kindness and understanding—supporting me unconditionally—he’s helped me find the “me” in a battle against ancient evil. He’s sweet and sexy. Mischievous under that adorable, handsome grin.

Bunny guides me spiritually—grounding me to this place and to the powers I carry. He shores up my soul and finds th

e strength deep inside to keep me going. I long to run my fingers through his hair, feel his hips against mine.

Clinton, my trainer, keeps me fit and ready for the physical war headed our way. He pushes me. Tests me.

Damien provides my weaponry and outfits me with charms and symbols designed to keep me safe. He’s quiet and likes his independence—his solitary space out back behind the house. But when we’re together I feel the magic of our bond.

And then there’s Dylan. My sentinel. He carries the knowledge of the past and he has an eye on me—always. He’s afraid of his own strength and together we’re breaking one another down. His passion knows no limits. And I’m here to tempt as well as test him.

I remove the ancient book from under my bed. I’d hidden it, wanting some time to study it in private. The gold image of the Morrigan on the cover, embossed with five ravens in various states of flight, sings to me when I touch the peeling leather spine.

The pages are filled with drawings and short stories—an odd historical account of the Morrigan’s mythology. They come from various stages in her life. Before she went mad with rage, when she was just a young goddess wanting to find her true love. There are alternate stories, including the tale of the Morrigan being split into three. Sisters. An old woman. No story is the same, although they all carry similar themes. War. Love. Betrayal.

It’s fascinating and I’ve neglected my work to study them.

The raven’s stories are my favorites. The book is littered with little snippets of their lives. I try to connect the mythology to my housemates but it seems too fanciful. Too made up. I’m not convinced anything in the book is real, but tucked in the final pages is a spell that catches my eye and after two days of dreaming about it, seeing Xavier has made me want to believe it can be done.

Killing the Morrigan.

The concepts are tricky, it involves splitting her soul from mine and then destroying her, but with the help of the Guardians (who are skilled in the magical arts) I think it’s possible. And really, it may be our only chance.

I grab the book and head for the door. The others should be assembled by now. I cross my fingers and prepare to tell them my plan.

Chapter Three


“Absolutely not.”

“No fucking way.”

“I can’t, Morgan. I just can’t.”

“Sorry, sweetheart.”

Clinton does nothing more than cross his arms over his chest and shake his head once.

Morgan, who holds a book I’m not familiar with in her hands, narrows her eyes and looks…pissed?

“Morgan, there is absolutely no way we’re performing magic like this with or much less on you,” I finally say.

“Why not?”

“Why?” I take the book from her and study it for a moment. “Because I’ve never even seen this text before, but on first glance it looks like this magic is dark. Darker than what any of us are comfortable using. And if it doesn’t work you’ll be the one that’s dead.”

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