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Onyx Eclipse (The Raven Queen's Harem 5)

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“Get up,” I say, wrinkling my nose. She doesn’t move. “I know you’re used to your new digs but it’s time to clean up. Come on.”

She stands, slowly as though she’s not fully coherent. I hope it will make her more docile on the way up the stairs. I don’t have time for any of her bullshit. “Unlock the door, Marcus.”

He holds the ring of keys. It’s old fashioned but so are the cells. I suspect they’ve been down here way longer than the house above. Marcus hesitates. I get it. Anita is deadly. She’s an active contagion. I hold out my hand for the key. “She can’t infect you. It doesn’t bother the supernatural—just humans.”

Anita’s eyes light up at that and she laughs, baring her teeth.

“Turn around, psycho.” I fish the zip-tie out of my pocket. I’m not a fool. I won’t take her upstairs unbound. Marcus sighs with relief when he sees my measures. “It’s going

to be fine.”

I hate lying to him. Just like I hate the fact that I’m a betraying liar when I yank Anita out of the cell and shove him inside, slamming the door between us.

“What the hell?” he screams.

I get my hands back on Anita, moving her where I can see her.

“Sorry. I can’t risk anyone coming upstairs right now.”

Marcus swallows, his dark eyes watching me. “What about Dylan?”

“We’ll be gone before he gets home.” Anita starts giggling next to me. I’m not even sure if she knows why. “I’m sure he’ll find you. Eventually.”

He shakes his head. “He’ll kill me.”

“I’ll tell him I was responsible. Don’t worry—he knows I’m a loose cannon.” I give him a sympathetic smile. “I’m not doing a bad thing. I’m trying to fix it, but I have to do it alone.” I glance at Anita. “Well, almost alone.”

“Whatever you’re about to do, Morgan, don’t. The Darkness is no joke.”

I spin and stare at the man behind bars. I barely know him. He’s an ally but to what extent? “I’m aware of the seriousness, Marcus. I opened that gate the first time. I let the Morrigan and her evil in.” I walk back over to him and his yellow-green snake eyes watch my every move. He flinches as I lean in. “I’m taking Anita. I’m saving my men, and I’m gonna make the bitch on the Otherside pay.”

He opens his mouth to speak but nothing, not a word, not a breath comes out when he realizes what’s about to transpire.


I turn the shower on and shove Anita inside. She’s still dressed. It’s not like those clothes won’t have to be burned anyway.

She shouts from the heat, getting a mouthful of water. I grab her hand and squeeze in nearly a full bottle of shampoo. “Clean up. I’m not spending the day next to you reeking like that.”

I’d laid out my outfit before I went downstairs. I didn’t want to tip Marcus off with the clothing I found in the training room supply closet. I’d been shocked when I found the sleek military pants with dozens of pockets and slits for weapons. The shirt is made of a durable material—halfway between summer and winter. Thin, but sturdy. It appears waterproof if not flame resistant. The boots are lightweight, good for fighting and running. I found my size amongst the much larger outfits clearly made for the Guard.

The fact I discovered them was no mistake. After breakfast, Davis asked me to find something downstairs—specifically suggesting I look in the closet for a length rope he needed. I found the rope, as well as the battle gear. He made no comment when I handed him what he’d asked for.

Maybe I’m not the only one that knows I need to make this move.

Anita showers and I slip into the outfit. The pants and shirt fit like a glove, seemingly sewn to fit my measurements. I look in the mirror, aware that the clothing alone makes me look like a badass. I feel like one, too. There’s a sheath for the sword Damien made me. I fasten it over my back, sliding the sword into place. When the water stops and Anita emerges from the steamy shower, her eyes pop when she sees me.

“It doesn’t matter what you wear,” she says, water dripping down her neck. “The Morrigan is going to eat you alive.”

I move quicker than lightning, clutching her chin with my hand. “I wonder what she’ll say when she sees you? Nothing more than my prisoner and pet.”

“The Morrigan loves me.” Her voice is a squeak but I see the calculation in her eyes. “She needs me.”

I laugh. “She needs me, too. And I’m going to be ready when she comes for me.”

I toss Anita clothes and watch as she tightens the belt around her skinny waist. Everything is too big. Anita is a waif. But when she’s finished, I tie her wrists back together, even though I know she desires going back through the gate more than I do.

“Why are you doing this?” she asks, genuine curiosity in her voice. “Why are you going to her? Because you can’t win, you know that, right?”

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