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Onyx Eclipse (The Raven Queen's Harem 5)

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I ignore the questioning looks from my men as I take one of the extra suits and carry it outside. I’m already dressed, and I slide my sword into the sheath on my back. Bunny stands near the house, alert though obviously exhausted. I walk over to him and note that the purple shadows under his eyes are deeper than before. I expected him to get at least a contact boost from my encounter with the others, but instead he looks worse.


I toss him the suit and he catches it.

“What’s this for?”

“We’re getting out of here. Thought you may need it.”

He stares at the fabric in his hands. “You want me to go with you?”

I take a step closer. “Not really. But I need you.”

“I need you, too.”

Without the slightest bit of hesitation I slap him across the face. Hard. Gods, that felt good. “You’ll do everything I say. Follow every command. Each direction. Without question. Do you understand that?”

“Yes. I understand.” He swallows and casts his copper eyes at mine. “Morgan, I meant it before. I’m sorry. This got out of control. It’s such a mess.”

He flinches when he says it, waiting for another assault. This time I rein it in.

“Stop.” The feeling of power fills me in a way I never have before. I’m not even sure of how far it will reach—what I can do. “No talking. No apologizing.”

He nods.

“Seriously, Bunny. Am I clear?”


“Go change. We’re leaving when Dylan gets here.”

“Dylan? Does he even know where we are?” I hear his real question. Do I really think he’s alive?

I nod toward the tunnel entry across the expansive grounds. Nevis has placed someone at the entrance. He moves when the door swings open and Dylan appears, blinking into the light. I smile and start toward him, but Bunny grabs my arm. “How did you know?”

“I felt him coming. Didn’t you?” But I know he didn’t, because just like the fact he didn’t feel a boost from my connection with the others, he couldn’t feel Dylan anymore. The damage Bunny has made to his bond with the five of us runs deep.

I shake away from him. Dylan sees us. Me. His heartbeat quickens at the sight of me but his eyes darken when he spots Bunny nearby. “Change,” I say again, and walk toward the Raven soaked in blood and craving my attention. We’re almost whole. Well, as much as we’re going to get.



I follow Morgan’s signal, feeling the vibrations through the stone walls in the dungeons. The path is darker than a moonless night but her soul sings to me and eventually I reach the end.

I have no idea what to expect on the other side of the passage but it certainly isn’t an underground society. The gatekeepers welcome me—as though they’d been expecting me. I spot Morgan immediately, speaking with Bunny. I nearly launch myself across the caverns and kill him.

But Morgan gives me a look and I get it. Hands off. For now.

I sag against the door, catching my breath. I’ve suffered a loss of blood. My battle with Casteel wasn’t without injury.

She’s at my side in minutes. Bunny watches with a guarded expression. I don’t blame him—we have unsettled business—but if Morgan has allowed him to come down here with us, I’ll trust her.

“You found us,” she says, touching my face. My stomach. Blood seeps through the fabric of my shirt.

“Always,” I tell her, leaning against her. “I’ll always find my family.”

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