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The Game (A Dark Romance)

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She felt her lower lips part for the cock of the thing, pure darkness made rampant flesh. She felt a pleasure unlike any she had ever experienced before, a fullness and a stretching which took place inside her, opening parts of her body which had always been closed.

The Dark was a harsh master, a cruel beast demanding everything she had. As he surged inside her, splitting her open, she felt her toes curl and her lips part in begging supplication.

She had heard of the rutting men desired of women. She knew of the theory of the filling and the claiming. It had always sounded, well, disgusting. And it was, though not in the way she had imagined.

She was being defiled, one inch at a time, one thrust at a time. She was being taken—and not by a man, as nature and her body intended, but by something which did not have simple physical form, and yet could be felt anyway.

The powers of the Dark were impossible to understand, but easy to feel.

It was not satisfied with taking her virginity. Being claimed was insufficient. She felt the creature’s lack of satisfaction. It was not a man. A tight flesh passage meant nothing to it. Tendrils of the Dark were not satisfied by female flesh. The creature needed to defile the innocent. She could feel her innocence being stretched and pierced, but it was not gone. Not yet. There was too much pleasure, and this was too natural a tryst. Her body was made to take thick plunging organs. It was made to turn intrusion and invasion into new life. The Dark was merely playing with her biology.

The creature cried out with a roar so deep and intense she felt it resonating through her. It was not a roar of satisfaction, though it was deep inside her. It was a cry of wanting. It was the need for more.

But what more could she give, already filled as she was with the Dark’s appendages…

But she was not full, was she? There were two more holes to sink inside, and the Dark found them both at the same time. His dark appendages did nothing to prevent her screams as she was stretched in a place she never thought she would be stretched, taken in a way that seemed thoroughly unnatural.

The creature made her want it. This creature made her want to be defiled. Every thrust of those dark tendrils opened up a new door inside her, a new possibility of carnal pleasure and release.

She could taste it on her tongue. It didn’t have a form and it should not have a taste, but it did regardless. It was acrid, and bitter, but there was a richness and something more, something which teased her and made her salivate. Something like the sour candy sold from time to time in the markets of New Rahvin. It was an enticement to devour and gorge herself on the Dark, to not only take it, but to be taken by it too. Every thrusting stroke inside the tight place between her cheeks was a fresh indignity, but sex was never about dignity, was it? It was about losing control. It was about giving herself over. She learned that in the grasp of the Dark, her spread body wide for the tendrils snaking over every bit of her.

This was supposed to be something given to her husband. Her innocence was supposed to be a gift. The Dark was taking that gift and leaving pleasure in its place. Careful tendrils coiled around the tight little bud of her clitoris and stroked it in a way no man ever could. She bucked and arched, moaned and cried out with orgasm as the pleasure ripped through her, making her hoarse.

The Dark deposited her on her knees like a supplicant, her three holes opened wide and filled with its essence. She looked up at the creature which towered above her. It was not limited by typical restraints of physical flesh. It did not have to be six feet, or ten feet, or even twenty feet tall. In this moment, it was so large her head only came up to its gigantic ankle.

She felt fear. Fear of being destroyed. Fear of one of those great feet rising and crushing her beneath it. He could do it if he wanted. He could obliterate her in a single act. She could feel that potential intention in the beast. She had been taken, and she was being defiled, but would she survive? That was not guaranteed.

Tendrils lifted her up and spread her wide, and a cock larger than her own self split her in two. She felt herself spread like a rubber toy, no more real to the Dark than he was to her. She was experiencing every moment as if it were a physical truth. Her body ached, her pussy throbbed, and she felt cascades of arousal sliding down her inner thighs as she was fucked and rutted, taken and used, bounced like the toy she was on the monstrous appendage of a creature which had abducted her.

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