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The Game (A Dark Romance)

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Hail leaped out of the way just in time to avoid being disemboweled by the beast of the man she had just lost her virginity to. Most girls lost their purity on their wedding night. Hers had been ripped away in a dark void, and now she was running for her life.

The Dark laughed as the beast began to chase Hail about the shadows, roaring and swatting at her with great claws.

“Make it stop!” Hail cried out for mercy which she should surely have known would not come.

“You make it stop,” the Dark said, manifesting something that looked suspiciously like a martini glass in one of its tendrils as Hail ran squealing past as fast as her legs could carry her in this shadowy place.

“If I die…” she gasped on her second rotation around the Dark, using his figure as an object around which to play keep away from the Brynroark.


“It will be your fault.”

The Dark gave a little shrug. “If you die, it will be because you didn’t survive. Hardly my fault.”

“Call the monster off!”

The Dark caught her up in a couple of its appendages and held her squirming form above the snapping jaws of the Bearoark. It spoke calmly, but authoritatively, with a voice like infinity.

“Stop begging for help and save yourself.”

There was just one problem. Hail had never learned to fight. She knew how to run around getting hit and healing herself, but that wasn’t any way to survive in a virtual arena of permanent death.

“I don’t have any weapons!” she screamed at the Dark.

She tried to initiate a healing spell in case the thing hit her, but there was no magic down in the realm of the Dark. There was only vulnerable flesh being chased by a thing of nightmares made out of the man of her dreams.

“The mind is a weapon,” the Dark called back. “Or a pen. Have you tried a pen?”

It was mocking her, enjoying her panic, feeding on her pain. Her brain was practically useless to her, and she did not have a pen to hand, given that she was naked and leaking seed between her thighs.

The beast was gaining on her. She felt an overwhelming sense of hopelessness as it thundered up behind her and knocked her to the ground. She was squashed against all the nothingness as the Bearoark pinned her. Hail screamed at the top of her lungs, knowing that she was about to die, and that she was too small, too weak, and too helpless to do anything about it. Her blood was going to be pooled and lost to the void, her flesh torn from her bones, her brains crunched into a gooey mess in the jaws of the…

It licked the nape of her neck.

It licked her ear, and its breath didn’t smell so bad.

It licked her neck and she felt sharp teeth grazing erotically.

It was Bryn. Shaggier than usual, but only half as monstrous as he had been, and with a massive version of his natural cock, all the better to fuck her with. Bryn slammed himself inside her with animal ferocity, caring nothing for her recent status of purity. She could feel him at twice his usual size, doubly as hairy, and so lustful he could not control himself even if he wanted to.

This was how it should always have been between them, Bryn reflected in the seconds between rough thrusts inside the hollow chalice of his younger lover. He could smell her fear, the animal senses conferred by the Dark giving him an advantage he did not usually have. Hail’s hole was slick with his seed. He smelled that too. She smelled like him. She smelled like he owned her.

He could have fought the Dark’s transformation, but over the years Bryn had learned to embrace the oddities of the game. His essence remained unchanged no matter what form he took, and his desire was more powerful than any basic animal need to harm.

With every thrust inside Hail’s tight, lithe, terrified body, he felt himself returning to his human self. The Dark had hoped for something more dramatic, but Bryn sensed it would never allow Hail to come to any real harm. It liked her too much. Or rather, it enjoyed her suffering too much to bring it to an end.

Hail writhed beneath him, her tight ass rearing up against him. Her fear had become desire. Her pussy was leaking all kinds of need. The whimpers escaping her mouth made him so hard he felt like his cock was going to explode. In his animal state, Bryn had been able to forget that he was defiling innocence. Back in a human state, it was all he could think about. It was all he could think about, and it was going to make him come.

He bit the back of her neck and he flooded her with the remnants of his seed. She wailed with answering orgasm, a sexual call and response which made her follow him in all things. She had always followed him, this girl become woman on his rod. Now she belonged to him. Now surely, they had satisfied all the demon’s demands.

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