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The Game (A Dark Romance)

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“That’s sad,” Hail frowned. “I think the best part of life is the part where things matter, but nothing matters to them, does it? They just do what they’re made to do, and nothing else.”

“That’s true of most creatures in most worlds,” Bryn replied. “Maybe it’s true of all creatures in all worlds. Everything has to follow its own nature.”

“Such a warrior philosopher,” Hail smiled. A little shyness was creeping in. Bryn was still very much, well, Bryn. He was her master. He was the man who had protected her, fed her, housed her, clothed her. She owed him everything—except her freedom. That she owed to the Dark.

Hail was aching beneath her robe. Her inner thighs stuck together just a little with every step. That was his seed and her pleasure juices all churned up together and drying on hidden skin. Flashes of memory kept coming back to her, the way she felt with his massive body behind her, his thick rod inside her.

“What we did in the dark…”

“Stays in the dark,” Bryn said.

She felt a twinge of disappointment. The intimacy had been forced, so it was not real. She had desired Bryn from the moment she knew what desire was, and yet it seemed he had been more forced than she was.

She dropped his hand and tucked hers beneath her armpits.

“What’s wrong, lass?”

“Nothing,” she lied.

He stopped, took her by the elbows, and turned her toward him. “What we did in the dark we did out of necessity. What I do to you next will be out of desire. Mutual desire.”

His hand slid up the nape of her neck and his fingers curled in her hair. “I love you, Hail. You have grown from a whelp to a woman. I am honored to have you by my side as we adventure together.”

Happy tears appeared in Hail’s eyes. She did not think she would ever hear a fraction of such a sentiment from Bryn.

“Is this the beginning? Or is this the end? I can’t tell. It sort of feels like both.”

“It’s the end of our beginning, how about that?”

“I can handle that. What’s our next quest?”

“There are many to choose from,” Bryn smiled. “Maybe you would like to attend the Magical University in Entigon City, see about becoming the mage you always wanted to be?”

“Really? You’d let me?”

“I’ll more than let you, lass. I’ll escort you there myself and I’ll stay with you while you study.”

Hail could hardly believe what she was hearing. Finally, everything she had ever wanted was being given to her. Bryn’s love. Her future education. The possibility of becoming strong in the ways she knew she was destined to be.

“This is the happiest ever after, I don’t care what anybody says,” she said, leaning against Bryn and placing a sweet kiss on his scarred cheek.

“Yes, lass. Yes, it is.”

She looked up at Bryn under her lashes, and asked him for the one thing that could make this triumph over the Dark even happier.

“Make love to me, Bryn. Here. In this field. Because we want to. Not because we have to.”

She did not have to ask him twice. The brawny warrior swept her off her feet with a gruff growl, laid her down among the crops and proceeded to kiss her so thoroughly she was left entirely breathless in his arms.

“Is this wrong?”

She asked the question as Bryn’s lips traced down her neck toward her breasts. The robe fell obligingly open to give him access to her pink tipped nipples.

“This could never be wrong…” He sucked her nipple between his teeth and smiled at her rakishly, driving all thought from her head. Her master continued to work his way down her body, light kisses against her stomach until he found the filthy apex of her thighs.

To her surprise and blushing shame, he began to clean her there, using his tongue to lap away the remnants of his seed and her desire. The licking motions soon caused her to start feeling that familiar spiral of need, especially when he found the little nub which hid betwixt her lower lips and strummed it with the tip of his tongue so artfully she had to shriek for reprieve as her thighs trembled around his head.

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