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The Prophet (The Cloister Trilogy 2)

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“Me?” Noah cocks his head. “No disrespect, Dad, but I don’t know a thing about farming.”

He waves a dismissive hand. “You don’t have to. The Father of Fire will provide. We’re in his good graces. Get the Caldwells from the hardware shop on board. They’ll help you get started with equipment and know-how. And Zion’s family owns a farm down near Andalusia. He’ll be your second-in-command.”

“Zion?” Noah is incredulous. “The same Zion who did this?” He points to his black eye and the blood crusting in his hair.

“That’s behind us. We all played the parts we had to. The Lord has forgiven Zion and so should you.” He turns to me. “You proved yourself last night. It took a little arm twisting, but you did what needed to be done.”

I don’t know if he expects me to thank him for forcing me to kill Sarah, but I’ll be damned if those words ever cross my lips.

He sighs. “Now that you’ve finally come into the fold, I’d like you to take a bigger role in running the Cloister. Grace has been adequate, and we’ll still continue to use her, but leaving a woman in charge of anything of importance is never a good idea. Women aren’t meant for leadership, her included.”

I cross one leg over the other and hide my wince as the wounds on my feet burn and ache. “What would you have me do?”

“The suitors. I’ve already been dealing with an over-eager one.” A sly smile twists his lips. “You may remember him, Evan Roberts, the senator.”

Of course I remember that piece of shit. I shrug. “I can’t keep up with everyone who comes and goes.”

“He was already here this morning, wanting to try on your Maiden for size.”

Everything in me tightens, as if I’m being pulled taut over a rack. “Oh?”

“Yes.” His smile turns into a smirk. “Took some detailed photos of her. Very in-depth. I saved a set for myself. Oh, and the video—the things he made her say while she cried—priceless.”

My nails dig into the arms of the leather chair, but I force myself to relax. He’s intentionally turning the screws, but I won’t let him see how much hate he unleashes with each twist. “Is he ready to pay up?”

My father shrugs. “He didn’t come to negotiate, so his eagerness is going to cost him. I put double the usual price on her, and he accepted without complaint. It’ll take him a week or so to scrape together the funds from offshore accounts and campaign funds, but he’ll get it. I’ve never seen a man so hungry for a Maiden before. It’s perfect, really. I’ve asked Miriam to come and give her one-on-one classes about extracting information, knowing what’s relevant, and getting that information back to me. She’ll be leading the senator around by his dick in no time.”

“What does any of this have to do with me?” I keep my tone unconcerned, even though I’m burning for every fucking detail he has to offer.

“First, you are not to leave any more marks on her. That was one of his requests that I think we can meet. He also asked that she not be touched at all until he comes to claim her.”

I still. “I’m expected to follow that request too?”

“No.” He opens his drawer to retrieve a joint. His book sits on the edge of the desk, the black leather cover hiding the tangle of insanity within the pages. He only takes it out around the winter and summer solstices, keeping it hidden away for the rest of the year. “She’s not bought and paid for, so as far as I’m concerned, you can carry on. But, no marks. He doesn’t want her marred.”

Acid pushes up my throat. I swallow hard. “Are you going to claim her before she goes?”

“That’s another one of his requests. A demand, really. He wants her pure or no deal.” He drops the book into a lower drawer and locks it. “I have to be honest.” He meets my eye again. “I’ve wanted to fuck her since the moment I saw her in the congregation. That weird white hair and skin get me hard every time.”

Don’t make a move. After what I did last night, strangling him with my bare hands seems easy.

“But.” He shrugs. “I’m going to let him have her virgin pussy. After all, he’s a senator, the most powerful client we’ve had yet. Getting a Maiden in his ear is far more valuable than some bitch’s twat, even if it’s the prettiest shade of pink I’ve ever seen.” He leers at me. “Hell, I was kind of hoping no one would claim her and she’d go to the Cathedral. Breeding her would be interesting. Maybe our kids would have that fairy shit going for them too.”

Even though his words are like razors cutting through the flesh of my ears, for once I’m glad that my father likes to hear himself talk. I’ll take whatever information he wants to give. Especially if he’s telling me that Delilah will be safe—at least for a week until she’s delivered to the senator.

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