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The Prophet (The Cloister Trilogy 2)

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I sit in a different spot, but it doesn’t stop my heart from raging in my chest, my blood pounding, and my breaths coming in quick bursts.

“Get it together.” I wipe my sweaty palms on my dress and peer around the room. Maybe there’s something in here I can use. A weapon? That wouldn’t end well, given Grace’s threat, but I don’t care. I won’t let him use me like he did the last time.

Footsteps in the hall raise my hackles, but I let out a breath of relief when Adam strides in, his walk a little off.

“What is it?” I stand and take a step toward him, but he shakes his head at me ever-so-slightly, his eyes hard.

I return to my seat and lace my fingers together.

“I’ll be overseeing your joining with Evan.” His voice is cold, and I know it’s an act, but it doesn’t stop a chill from racing down my spine.

“My joining?”

He lets out a bored sigh. “You never seem to have a hearing problem during our sessions at the Cloister.”

“Ass,” I hiss.

He smirks but continues, “Evan is to be treated with respect at all times. He’s your future husband…” He pauses at that, the mask cracking, but gets it together. “You are expected to please him in every way. His word is law. The only person he answers to is the Prophet. You will follow your husband’s word to the letter and be in perfect obedience. If you fail to do so, there will be punishment.”

I glare at him and cross my arms over my stomach.

He moves closer, but doesn’t touch me. When I reach out, he steps back and glances at the ceiling fan, then gives me a pointed look.

Right, cameras.

“I won’t tell you these rules again. If you break them, be assured that Evan is well within his rights to dole out your punishment as he sees fit. Perfect obedience is the only way for you to remain in his good graces. Do you understand?”

I nod.

He approaches and tilts my chin up, his touch gentle even as he barks, “I asked you if you understood.”

I jump. “Yes!”

I catch the scent of his soap and the unease in his eyes. His broad back blocks the camera, and I turn my head and kiss his palm. The ghost of a smile graces his lips, and he slides his fingertips along my jaw, softly stroking my cheek before letting his hand fall back to his side. “Good.”

Without another word, he turns on his heel and strides out. Low voices in the hall reverberate into the sitting room, and I settle deeper into the sofa, looking for any sort of defense the furniture can provide.

When Evan walks in, I sink farther, hoping for invisibility that I know won’t come.

“Don’t be like that, darling.” He smiles broadly and sits next to me.

Too close, he slings his arm around my shoulders.

My ears go hot, my hands cold, and I can’t seem to catch my breath.

“I have that effect on women.” He pulls me into his lap, his arms locking me in place.

I can’t escape. My heart is trying to claw its way from my chest.

“Shhh, calm down. I’m not going to hurt you. All that from yesterday is done.” He squeezes me. “I promise.”

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

“And I’ll even forgive and forget about that little move you pulled on me, okay? We can start fresh.” His easy southern drawl and All-American good looks don’t fool me. He’s a demon underneath, one that wants to eat me alive. “Shhh, now. Everything’s going to be just fine.”

I force myself to relax, to just be, even though he’s got me trapped. Untethering is the only way. I close my eyes and go somewhere else—Georgia’s room at her parent’s house. Warm sun, a fluffy comforter, and notebooks with her drawings and my writing spread out all around us.

“Do you think I could, I don’t know, draw for a living?” She has a swipe of blue ink on her cheek, but I don’t mention it.

“I think you can do anything you want to do.”

She laughs, mistaking my earnestness for sarcasm. “Well, I think you can, too. What do you want to do, anyway? You decided on a major yet?”

I twirl my pencil. “Yeah, I think I want to be in law enforcement.”

She gawks. “A cop?”

“No.” I shake my head. “More like CSI. I like figuring things out, you know?”

“Makes sense.” She adds a dash of pink to one of her drawings—it’s of a dress with fantastic lace and ribbon, too girly to be true. “You’ve always been good at solving mysteries.”

“Darling.” He tucks my hair behind my ear. “What’s wrong?”

I shake my head and pull myself back to the present. “What do you want?”

“Straight to the point, aren’t you?” He smooths one hand down my thigh.

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