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The Prophet (The Cloister Trilogy 2)

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“Oh, yeah. Nothing I can do in the middle of winter except have the guys start clearing the trees and grinding the stumps.” He pulls a puff of smoke into his mouth, then inhales. Felix’s eyes begin to droop, already sleepy in his master’s lap.

I don’t particularly want to talk about farming or suitors, but that’s what my father will be listening for. “There were actually two who wanted your girl, but the mayor has more cash, so he gets dibs. The other guy—owns some tractor place in Huntsville—can pick from the others.”

“Dad change his mind about letting them go early?”

“No.” I take the joint and inhale deeply before stubbing it out. “But he’s happy to take deposits on them.”

“What about yours?”

I blow the smoke out of my lungs and return my gaze to the screen. To her. “She’s about to be bought and paid for.” Forcing the next words from my lips is difficult, but necessary. “Which is good news for me, at least. I’ll be rid of my Maiden duties. It’s not like they’re any fun since I can’t mark her, can’t even bruise her. So good riddance.”

Noah raises an eyebrow but plays along. “You know, you could actually talk to her. She’s more than just a sex—”

“No, that’s all she is.” Lies roll off my tongue, each one more bitter than the last. “A good ass-fuck, but I can’t even get that going with her goddamn suitor breathing down my neck.”

“Sorry, man.” He shrugs and pets the dozing Felix.

I would ask about Gregory the lizard, but since he’s supposed to be nothing more than ashes, I don’t say a word. We’ve done our duty—made it look like we’re carrying on with the Prophet’s agenda as usual. The real conversation will take place outside, away from the microphones tucked away in our houses.

We’ll plan our father’s death under the cold stars that pay no mind to our machinations.

Delilah kneels as I enter her room. She’s already nude, her pale skin almost glowing under the soft light from overhead. Her obedience sends a jolt of heat straight to my cock. I don’t know if I would have been like this if it weren’t for my upbringing, but I can’t help the thrill her submission gives me.

I sit in front of her, and she moves closer without me even asking, her gray eyes focused on mine. “Hi.”

I run my fingers through her hair, sifting the impossibly soft strands. She calms the storm that constantly rages inside me with nothing more than her presence and a softly whispered “hi.”

“How do you do that?” I trace along her jaw with my fingertips.


“Nothing.” I let my fingers dance lower, grazing her collar bones and then venturing farther to the swells of her breasts.

Her lips part, a soft sigh on her breath as I stroke her hard nipple, the peak begging for my mouth.

“What did you learn today, little lamb?” I alternate between breasts, teasing one bud and then the next.

“I, um…” She makes an mmm noise and bites her lip.

“I didn’t quite get that.”

“We did this thing where, oh—”

I pinch her nipple. “Go on.”

She shakes her head a tiny bit, as if trying to clear it. “It was these strap-ons.”

“Did you wear one?” I slide my other hand down to her breasts, kneading each one, teasing the tips. They fill my palms perfectly, and the need to leave my bite marks on her skin roars up from my black depths.

“No, I just watched.”

“Did you like it?”

That question snaps her head up. “Not in the least.”

“Why not?” I squeeze her breasts to the point where she moans.

“Because they didn’t want it. It wasn’t um—”


“Right.” She arches her back and I rub my palms up and down against her nipples.

“Is this?” I smirk as she wrinkles her nose.

“Depends on how you look at it.” She presses her thighs together.

“And how do you look at it?”

“I’m trapped here, and you’re the only man that gets to touch me, so there’s coercion there.”

“You wouldn’t want me if it weren’t for this arrangement?” Playing with her like this makes my dick so hard it nearly hurts.

She bites her lip again, her even little teeth pressing into the pink flesh. “I don’t know.”

I grab her by the waist and lift her, tossing her onto the bed. “I do.”

She scrambles onto her back and stares at me wide-eyed as I yank my shirt over my head and reach for my belt.

“Spread your legs wide, little lamb.”


I slide my belt from its loop and unbutton my pants, pushing them and my boxers to the floor.

She licks her lips as my cock pops free.

“Now!” I snap the belt into my palm.

Her legs slowly open, revealing the pink, wet perfection between her thighs. “What are you—” She cries out when the leather hits her sensitive skin.

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