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My Sadistic Billionaire - Wicked First Love

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The girl was dark-haired and beautiful, and with the kind of curves he knew Angelo was fond of. Her taste in clothes was a bit questionable, though, and Dylan was surprised the billionaire had made no attempt to have her wear something else.

“Just let me go!”

His eyebrows shot up at the girl’s words. She had momentarily stopped her pursuit of his friend and was glaring up at Angelo, hands planted on her hips.

“How many times do I have to tell you?” Angelo snapped. “The answer is no!”

Interesting, Dylan thought. This was the first time he heard of Angelo refusing to let a woman go. Normally, most women would cry and beg to keep Angelo as their lover.

“But you promised—-”

“Because I thought you were going to use your brains,” Angelo snapped.

Now, Dylan was stunned. Angelo worshipped the rules of propriety, and yet here he was, practically telling the girl she was an idiot.

“It’s just a party,” the girl argued.

“It’s not any kind of party, and you know it.” Angelo’s voice became final. “You will not change my mind on this. You will not go to the party, and that’s it.”

Dylan blinked. So this heated argument...was over tonight’s party?

Crazy, the rockstar thought.

“Just let me try, please.”

“You fainted upon encountering three strangers in my hallway,” Angelo pointed out curtly. “My parties’ guest lists can have as many as three hundred names—-”

The dark-haired girl gave the billionaire a mulish look.

Angelo rolled his eyes. “That won’t work on me.”

She lifted her chin. “If you don’t let me, I’m going to kiss you, and I don’t care if you say we can’t do it just because I didn’t get to call home. I’m going to kiss you and—-”

Dylan blinked again. Well, that threat was—-

He saw Angelo back a step away from the girl.

Effective, he thought incredulously. The threat actually worked!

“Do not be foolish.” But instead of sounding furious, Angelo’s voice was thick with desire.

Dylan shook his head. Poor man. He knew that look on his friend’s face. He was a goner, and it was time to lend the billionaire a hand. He pushed the door open, stepping inside as he said innocently, “Am I interrupting something?”

Angelo’s head swiveled in his direction. “Charbonneau.”

The girl glanced his way, too – just before gasping and running hide behind a row of bushes.


His fans did a lot of weird things when meeting Dylan for the first time, but that one right there could probably make it to his top ten.

Angelo strode forward to welcome his friend. “Glad to see you, Charbonneau.”

Dylan shook his hand, asking, “Seriously, Valencia, am I interrupting some kind of kinky role playing—-”

An embarrassed squeak emerged from behind the bushes.

Dylan stopped speaking, but Angelo relaxed at the sound. Good, he thought. She didn’t sound like she was on the verge of collapsing. That was all that mattered. Clearing his throat, he turned to face his friend and murmured, “It’s, err, a long story.”

“Ah.” He glanced towards the bushes and saw the girl peeking at them over it. She gasped and disappeared from view. Repressing his smile with an effort, Dylan commented lightly, “She’s different from your usual, isn’t she?”

Knowing that Lane was listening, Angelo drawled, “She’s crazy.”

“Am not.” The words floated out of the bushes like a deeply affronted ghost had uttered them.

Dylan’s eyes widened. “I think I know who she is.” He said slowly, “March told us about this girl in CU—-” When Angelo’s face suddenly became inscrutable, Dylan knew he had guessed right and he started laughing. “No way, man. I thought March was lying, but she’s real? The girl who’s gotten you running away from your own shadow? That’s her, right?”

A gasp from the bushes.

“Go fuck yourself,” Angelo said pleasantly.

But the rockstar only laughed harder. “And you’re still running away from her?”

He gestured to the doors behind Dylan. “Exit’s that way.”

Dylan did his best to control his amusement. “Fine, man. I can take a hint.” He cleared his throat. “So...I get why you’re, umm, avoiding her. Not running away, you understand,” Dylan said with exaggerated earnestness, “but just avoiding her.”

“Please. Don’t mind me. Fuck off.”

Dylan was impressed. “That’s twice you’ve sworn in the past five minutes. I didn’t even know you know how to use the F-bomb outside the bedroom.” Angelo’s eyes flashed in warning, and he coughed. “That’s the last dig. Word of honor.”

Angelo shook his head, muttering, “I hope Bree realizes what an ass you are and dates Steel March behind your back.”

Dylan scowled. “Below the belt, Valencia.” But the thought, even though impossible, was enough to wipe any smile from the rockstar’s face. He nodded towards Miss Girl in Hiding, asking, “Is she going to stay there the entire time?”

“It depends. Will you excuse me for a moment?” And without waiting for his friend’s reply, he turned and swiftly made his way to Lane.

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