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Dragon Royal Bastards MC (Tulsa, OK)

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“Look at me,” Cove demands, scowling down at me.

He’s an avenging angel straddling me. Fire and brimstone in his blue eyes. Beautiful and terrifying.

“You need me,” he murmurs softly. “Admit it. I somehow understand what goes on in that fucked-up head of yours.”

My heart no longer races and thuds heavily in my chest. I grab hold of his shirt, tugging him down to me. His lips press to mine so sweetly and reverently, I almost don’t feel worthy of such a tender kiss. The sweetness fades as his tongue plunges into my mouth, teasing me in filthy ways that get my dick incredibly hard.

“You’re manipulative,” I complain.

“Whatever works.”

“Stormy teach you this shit?”

“Family trait.”


He grins against my lips. “That sounds like a yes.”

“You’re fucking deaf too.”

“I’m coming, Dragon.”

I grab his ass with two hands, squeezing tight. “Not yet. You will be when this is over.”

“For fuck’s sake,” Koyn barks out. “You can’t fuck in my front yard.”

“We were having a discussion,” Cove mutters.

“Yeah, me and Pageant Girl have the same fucking discussions all the time. Always ends up with my dick in her mouth too.” He grumbles all the way to the hatch and starts tossing shit into the Tahoe. “I’m leaving, Dragon. With or without you.”

I grab Cove’s jaw, bringing his lips to mine. “You can go with us. But Night Giant is mine. Understood?”

“Yeah, psycho. I’m not into that bloody shit like you. I’m just there to have your back.”

We get lost in another kiss, ignoring Katana’s sniggering as he passes by us. It isn’t until Koyn starts laying on the horn like a crazy-ass motherfucker that we break apart.

Time to put down the monster once and for all.


A road trip with Prez, Katana, and Dragon isn’t exactly my idea of a fun time. Especially since I’ve been reduced to sitting in the third row because Katana took up all of the second one. Dragon is surprisingly chatty up front with Koyn, talking about boats of all goddamn things.


Dragon is a lot of things—mainly fucking crazy—but boats aren’t something I think of when I think of Dragon. I think of knives and tattoos and piercing green eyes. Blood and mayhem.

Not sunny days in swim trunks, trolling all over Lake Keystone.

As if he senses that my thoughts are on him, he turns in the passenger seat, his intense stare boring into me. “Want to come up front and sit on Daddy’s lap, Baby Prospect?”

I flip him the bird. “Fuck off.”

“Are we ever going to talk about this?” Koyn asks, his voice gruff. “I know I’m not the only one around here wondering how the hell you two ended up in the same bed.”

“BP was needy for cock. I have a cock that’s needy for attention,” Dragon says, his lips curling into a wicked grin. “Match made in heaven.”

“Hmph. Heaven. Whatever.” Koyn shakes his head. “I still can’t wrap my head around it.”

“Neither can I,” I mutter. “Are we there yet?”

“Almost,” Koyn says. “We’re going to meet up with some of Animal’s guys.”

Animal is the prez of the Little Rock, Arkansas Royal Bastards MC chapter. From what I can tell, he’s pretty tight with Koyn. They’ve backed us up on a lot of shit, including the rescue that went down when Dragon, my siblings, and a few other people we took in were all held captive by Night Giant and his crew of sick fucks.

Night Giant is what’s left of that whole ordeal. Koyn wanted to draw more information out of him, since we have eyes on him, but Dragon could only be held off for so long.

Koyn pulls into a decrepit convenience store parking lot and parks at one of the gas pumps. He doesn’t get out until a Harley rumbles to a stop on the other side. Dragon lets down the window as Koyn climbs out.

“Hey, man,” Koyn says, knocking fists with the burly biker. “What do we need to know?”

The man points down the road. “Another mile and turn right. He’s hunkered down in a shitty trailer. Only leaves to go to the little mom-and-pop grocery shop up the road. We watch him go in and then come back out.”

“Does he make contact with anyone once inside?” Koyn asks.

“They don’t have a public phone inside. I went in once just to see. It’s a real shithole inside. He goes back to the trailer and just waits.”


“Seems that way.”

“On what?” Dragon demands, joining the conversation through the window. “For us to cut his balls off and feed them to him?”

The man snorts out a laugh. “Nah, man. I think he’s waiting on a rescue. It just ain’t come for him yet. Whoever he’s waiting to rescue him seems to have forgotten about him.”

Night Giant is a lot of things. Fucking scary and sick, but he isn’t stupid. Not by a long shot.

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