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Rigid (Whiskey Run Savage Ink 3)

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He takes a step back, and his eyes look wild, like I’m trying to cage him in or something. He shakes his head. “I don’t not like you.”

I shake my head at the phrasing. The way he worded it, he definitely doesn’t like me. I put my plate in the cupboard, fold the towel, and lay it next to the sink. “I’m going to sleep. Thanks again for letting me stay here. I’ll be out of your hair in the morning.”

I walk off before I can see the scowl on his face because I know it’s there.



I slept a total of three hours. I tossed and turned all night, thinking about Emily in her tiny little shorts sleeping in the next room. I finally fell asleep, but only because I was totally exhausted. I woke up with a massive hard-on, took a cold shower, wrote Emily a note, and got the hell out of there. She’s tempting... way too tempting. And I’m a weak man.

If she thought I was an asshole before today, she definitely will now. No sleep, sexual frustration, wanting things I shouldn’t... all of it is taking a toll on me.

I spent the morning getting the apartment ready for her. I kept picking up my phone, waiting for her to call me. My house is only a fifteen-minute walk from the shop, but I put in the note for her to call me when she woke up and I’d come get her. I wasn’t surprised, though, when she didn’t call and she showed up at the apartment midmorning.

Once she got there, I got the hell out of there, ignoring all her thank yous and the curious looks I was getting from Aiden and Treyton. By the evening, I was a cranky son of a bitch.

“Thank you.”

My whole body tautens at her soft voice. I shrug, not even facing her.

“Tate had my car brought back over. He didn’t charge me for the tow or the labor, only parts.” I don’t say anything. She doesn’t need to know that I offered to give Tate a tattoo in trade for the labor.

When I don’t say anything, she continues. “And all the stuff upstairs. A lot of that was new, Dawson. Tags still on it. You didn’t have to buy me anything. I already owe you—"

I cut her off, because I don’t want to hear it. “You don’t owe me anything. You had to have a bed and covers and stuff. Don’t read more into it than that,” I say, knowing I sound like an ass.

She doesn’t say anything else, and my breathing only returns to normal once I know she’s gone. I lean against the wall, banging my head. I can’t do this. I can’t be near her without being an ass and then I feel guilty. It’s an endless cycle.

I stalk out to the front. “When’s my next appointment?” I ask her from the doorway. I could easily walk over and look at the book, but I don’t trust myself to get that close to her. I worked the day shift today so I’m ready to have the night off and get out of here.

“Fifteen minutes.”

I stuff my hands into my front pockets. I was hoping that my last appointment had cancelled. The lack of sleep is catching up with me, and honestly, I need a drink right now.

I’m looking out the front window. “Tattoo or piercing?”

“Piercing,” she answers, and I can tell she wants to say something, but she doesn’t. No doubt she wants to do this one.

Even though I’m completely on edge, I don’t want to disappoint her. “Bring them back when they get here. You can do this one.”

I turn and walk back my room. The sound of Aiden and Treyton in their booths working fills the air, but all I can hear is the excited intake of breath from Emily. I can’t stop the smile from forming on my face. It’s not a big deal at all, but knowing that I put that smile on her face makes my world feel right in a way that I can’t even explain.

I start setting things up when mere minutes later, Emily and Rick come in the door. Rick is a cowboy that works out at the Hayes ranch. He’s always been a quiet guy that never causes any problems when he’s in here, but the way he’s looking at Emily’s ass makes me crazy. Rick and I might have a problem today.

I cross my arms over my chest. “So what are you getting done today?” I ask, getting right down to business. The sooner I get him out of here, the sooner I can go get my drink.

“Nipples,” he answers.

I nod at Emily, and she starts getting things ready. “Have a seat, Rick,” I say.

He takes his shirt off and flexes like he’s trying to get Emily’s attention. She’s all business, double and triple checking everything, bringing the tray of equipment over.

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