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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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Her father stared up at me. “Stella wouldn’t want you to—”

I backhanded him, the slap satisfying on so many levels. “You don’t deserve to say her name. Speak again, and I’ll use my fists.”

The crowd across the way cheered lightly as the old man cowered against the girl, his cheek turning red. I resumed my stance behind him, straightened my shirt sleeve, and twisted my cuff link back to perfection. It was all about the show, after all.

“No head starts now, Counsellor Vinemont.” Cal laughed atop the oak platform, his voice booming in all directions.

“Ladies and gentleman! Get your popcorn and take your seats because the entertainment is about to begin. As you all know, the classic theme to the spring trial is family. I’ve stuck to the theme, but I gave it my own little twist. Are the Acquisitions ready?”

A door beneath the spectators opened, and a round, balding man yelled, “Yes sir!”

“Perfect. Bring them out,” Cal replied.

Gavin and Stella walked out first, their hands clasped as they moved cautiously through the wet grass. Brianne followed behind, her head bowed.

The light rain fell at a steady pace, though we were covered by an awning similar to the one over the crowd. The Acquisitions kept up with the attendant until they stood at the base of the platform, about twenty yards away.

From my vantage point, I saw blood along Stella’s neck, red tingeing the fabric of her shirt. I balled my fists. They’d already hurt her. Fuck.

“All looking fit and ready. Excellent. Before we get started, I’d like to thank Governor Elliot for allowing us the use of the fort.”

The governor stood in the spectator section and waved. A woman knelt in front of him, her blonde head bobbing furiously on his cock. The crowd clapped, and the governor gave Cal a small salute before sitting down and focusing on the woman at his feet.

“Okay, folks, we are going to do a little Louisiana Gladiator. How’s that sound?”

The crowd roared, the sound echoing around the fort and up into the cloudy sky.

“Family. Is there anything better?” Cal laughed, the sound hollow, like the man. “No. So, in keeping with our theme, here’s the rules. Each Acquisition will fight the others one on one. Bare fists only—”

The crowd broke out in boos and jeers.

Cal held up his hand. “Wait, wait, let me finish. There are rules. We can’t very well let them run around with machetes like the Vinemonts back in the day, now can we?”

Laughter erupted, and Cal had them in his palm once again. “So fist fights are the order of the day. But, if an Acquisition loses, then one of their beloved family members will be harmed by one of our competitors.” Cal pointed toward us. “We have three new guests with us today. Twila, Brianne’s mother, Annie, Gavin’s sister, and Leon, Stella’s father.”

“No!” Gavin turned, seeking and finding his cowering sister. He took two steps before the attendant brought a baton down on his shoulder, sending Gavin to his knees.

Stella gazed up at me, her heart-shaped face set in lines of determination. She dug in her pocket, pulled out a hair tie, and began finger combing her hair into a tight bun. Brianne peeked up and locked eyes with her mother. A litany of “no, no, no” came out of Brianne’s mouth, growing stronger with each repetition.

Stella glanced at her father, but kept her face stoic. When she looked at the child, she winced. I shook my head at her. Pity had no place in the trials. Only strength.

“So, first up. Let’s go ahead and see what Brianne and Gavin can do, shall we? I want to save the catfight for last.” Cal saluted the crowd and motioned to the attendant who shoved Stella inside the hollow oak.

After a few long moments, she stepped onto the top platform. Cal pulled her to his side, their backs to me. I hoped for a second she would shove him off, but that was foolish. I needed Cal alive to win the Acquisition.

He glanced over his shoulder at me before running his hand to her ass and palming it. “Gorgeous redhead, I hope you like to watch as much as I do. Oh! Oh my goodness.” He slapped his forehead and guffawed into the microphone. “Oh, dear me. I almost forgot to tell everyone the most important rule of the competition. Can you guess what it is, Stella?”

She squared her shoulders and said nothing.

“If an Acquisition loses both rounds, then their family member dies.”



THE SPECTATORS SCREAMED, BLOODLUST in their shrieks of approval at Cal’s words. Death, misery, ruin—this was their currency. Hate burned in my heart, stripping away everything soft and gentle and turning me into nothing more than a brand of rage.

The child shivered, her eyes wide as she stared at her brother. Her lips moved, but I couldn’t hear her words. Maybe they were silent. I knew what she said all the same. The same litany of fear I’d recited until the Acquisition transformed me from fearful to vengeful. Even so, I wanted to weep for her. I wouldn’t.

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