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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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“Don’t come in.” Renee grabbed the door handle right as it turned.

Teddy peeked through.

“No!” My vision blurred even more, my eyes swimming with tears. He couldn’t see me broken and bruised.

He shoved the door open, knocking Renee back, and came rushing into my room. “Oh my god. What did they do to you?”

He dropped onto the bed next to me, his kind eyes surveying my face, neck, and arms. Tears flowed down my cheeks even as I tried to stop them, to stop the anguish from infecting him.

“Please go.” I couldn’t see any more, my eyes useless.

“God, Stella.” His voice broke as he put a gentle hand to my cheek. “They did this. Why?”

“It doesn’t matter why. It’s done.” Renee spoke from my side. “You need to go, Teddy. She needs to rest so she can recover.”

“No shit!” The ire in his voice reminded me of Sin. He took my hand, his palm warm and soft. “You won’t tell me, will you?”

I stayed mute, unwilling to give him any scrap of information he could use to blame himself.

“It doesn’t matter. I’ll get them for you. I don’t know how, but they’ll pay for this. Sin will pay for letting this happen to you.”

“No.” I squeezed his hand. “Not his fault.”

“Bullshit. He dragged you here. I saw how he treated you. I know he’s making you do these things. He didn’t have to pick you.” His grip on my good hand tightened until it ached. “He probably volunteered. He wants to be Sovereign so bad that he doesn’t care who gets hurt.”

“It’s not true. Not his fault.” I pushed to get the words out, the pain in my throat growing worse.

“Don’t defend him. He doesn’t regret a thing. I passed him on the way here. He was in the convertible with Sophia Oakman, both of them smiling. Makes me sick.”

“Teddy, that’s enough.” Renee’s voice rang out strong, but I heard the tremble. “She’s had enough. Please, go.”

He let my hand go and patted it. “I’ll be back soon to check on you.” He rose from the bed, his steps retreating to the door. “I’m sorry about this.”

I couldn’t respond. I couldn’t say it was okay or explain it. The door clicked shut, and Renee took her seat on the bed beside me.

“Is it true? He’s with Sophia?”

She sighed and smoothed the blanket over my legs. “Yes.”

Her reticence told me she knew more. Renee always knew more.

I wouldn’t stay in the dark on this, not when what little was left of me started to quake and shatter. “Tell me.”

“I think you should rest—”

“Tell me!” I tasted copper, and my throat scorched.

“I-I overheard them talking. They’re on their way to the airport.” She brushed a hair out my face and put the compress on my cheek. “They’ll be gone for two months. She’s attending to some Oakman family business in Paris for two weeks, and they intend to spend the rest of the time in Cannes.”

A laugh tried to loft from my lungs. It couldn’t make it. Instead, it turned into a strangled sound that seemed more like a sob. He’d put me through a house of horrors, and then left for a vacation with the daughter of its architect.

“I’m sure he’s only doing what’s best.”

“What’s best? Right.” I was glad I couldn’t see her face, because I may have tried to claw her eyes.

“You have to understand. They have their own customs, their own ways. I have no doubt Sophia is making a power play. That’s the way of it. Think of what it could mean for the family if they—”

“Get out.” I couldn’t hear it from her, too. Strategy, lies, and deceit were Sin’s specialties, not Renee’s.

“I’m not finished with your—”


“Please.” She let her hand fall. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Only to explain. I just want to help.”

There was no help for me, for anyone caught up in this damned competition. But there was information, and Renee had it. I would twist whatever screw I had to if it meant she’d open up to me.

“Tell me…” I swallowed, my throat clicking and burning with the effort. “…what the final trial is. Or get out.”

She remained silent and still for what seemed like minutes. Finally, she spoke. “It’s different every year. It’s always different.”

“Leave.” My voice receded to a whisper.

She stood, but hesitated next to the bed. I could sense her wringing her hands. “There’s a theme. It’s always the same. Love.”

“Love?” The word had no place amongst these people. It was meaningless.


“What happened your year?”

“My year.” She cleared her throat. “My year, I was forced to choose between hurting two things I loved. That’s all I’ll say. I can’t relive it, not even for you.”

“Renee, please.”

“No. It won’t help you. It will only hurt me. I’ve already given you what you need to know. What do you love? It’s what they will take from you.” Her skirt whispered as she walked around my bed and to the door. It shut softly behind her.

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