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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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“I know. But maybe some of them could change?”

“What about Cal Oakman?”

He stopped drumming his fingers. “Okay, yes. I’ll give you that one. He is, without a doubt, an evil person. When Sin wins Sovereign, maybe he can clean house or something?”

My thoughts turned murkier as my mind clicked and whirred about how to end the Acquisition. I hadn’t seized on any solution yet, though I’d contemplated contacting authorities in Washington. Sin’s warnings that some of the most powerful people in the South, and the country as a whole, attended the trials tempered the idea. Maybe the only way to dismantle it was from the inside.

Farns cleared his throat in the doorway.

“What’s up?” Teddy asked.

“I’ve just received a phone call from Mr. Sinclair. He gave me instructions on how he would like the house prepared for the luncheon on Saturday. And…” He scrubbed a hand down his face in a move that was utterly un-Farnsian. He was always so put-together and stoic. “Mr. Sinclair also gave me specific instructions on how you are to be prepared, Stella.”

“What luncheon?” Teddy sat up. “What do you mean ‘prepared’?”

Dread settled in the pit of my stomach.

Farns continued, “Mr. Oakman wishes to celebrate his daughter’s return from Europe. The families and a few close friends will be here for the party Saturday afternoon.”

“Party?” Renee’s voice sounded from the hallway. She scooted past Farns and came to stand beside me.

“Yes.” Farns nodded. “But there’s more.” His eyes watered. “He asked me to-to tell you…” He sagged against the door frame and Renee rushed over and took his elbow.

“Are you all right?”

“Fine.” He straightened. “I’m fine. Mr. Sinclair instructed that you are no longer to have this room. Instead, you will stay in the barn, beginning today. He also said that you are to wear servant’s attire for the party and that you will wait on Ms. Oakman exclusively.”

Not only would Sin not speak to me, he also set out to humiliate me in front of the very people who saw me as nothing more than a plaything. I was stunned into silence, disbelieving what I was hearing.

“No. She stays here.” Teddy put his arm around my shoulders.

“Teddy, it’s best you don’t get involved. Mr. Sinclair’s word goes.” Renee knit her brows together, as if she disagreed with her own statement.

“I don’t give a shit. He can’t just order her around like this. She’s a person.”

“He can.” I found my voice, a thin, fragile thing. To disobey would make Sin look weak, lessen his stature in the running for Sovereign. I was caught between wanting to fight him and wanting to keep Teddy safe. I would always choose the latter. “I’ll go.”

“No.” Teddy tightened his hold. “This is yours.”

“It never was.” I disentangled myself from him. “I don’t belong here.”

Farns clutched his hands in front of him. “We are going to have several people in and out doing cleaning and such for the next three days. So the barn will be quieter.” Then he bowed his head. “I truly am sorry. I tried to talk him out of it, but that has never worked.”

“It’s all right. I appreciate it.” I scanned the room, trying to decide what to take with me.

“You know what?” Teddy walked to the door. “If you’re sleeping in the barn, so am I. I hope you’re cool with a roommate. I’m going to pack.”

“Teddy, you’ll just piss him off—”

“I don’t care! He’s being a dick. I won’t let you stay out there alone. No one is going to change my mind. So don’t bother trying to talk me out of it. I can make my own decisions.” He stormed down the hallway as Renee and Farns watched me grab a few items from my drawers.

“At least come down and eat before you go.” Farns squared his shoulders. “I know you missed breakfast. I had Laura keep a plate on the stove for you.”

I threw some painting supplies into the same piece of luggage I’d brought when I first came to the house. “I’ll take it with me. Thanks.”

“Very good.” He left.

Renee wrung her hands. “This isn’t what I was hoping for. I hoped he would—”

“Fall in love with me?” I zipped up my bag and pulled out the handle.

She nodded.

“I think he did in his own way. But he’s made up his mind. I can’t change it. He won’t even speak to me. And now…” I looked around at the room I’d come to call home that he’d so easily taken from me. “I don’t know if I want him to. Maybe it’s better this way.” I lowered my voice. “I’ll do what I have to do to keep Teddy safe. And when it’s done, it’s done. I’ll leave here. There’s nothing to keep me.”

I only hoped Dylan wouldn’t come after me, but even if he did, I’d handle it. Fearing him wasn’t high on my list of concerns, not when Teddy’s life still hung in the balance. And, no matter what, I could still give myself to Cal. Sin wouldn’t object. Not anymore.

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