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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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I took the lead and joined the steady stream, approaching my destiny step-by-step and surrounded on all sides.

The second floor gave way to a series of rooms down the hall on the left and a walkway overlooking the foyer to the right. I followed the crowd to the right until the tight corridor opened into a ballroom almost as big as the one at the Oakman Estate. Wide, sunny windows looked out on the swath of green lawn, and chandeliers glowed warmly overhead.

Plush couches and chairs were situated around a raised platform only a few feet off the ground. A single metal chair sat atop it, open shackles attached the arms and legs. My knees tried to give way and my heart faltered, but Sin pushed me farther along until we stood in front of one of the windows. Other guests walked past and chose their seats.

“Keep it together.” He lifted my shirt and pressed his palm to my lower back.

The contact helped, and just knowing we were a team made it more bearable somehow. I lowered my head to focus on breathing, and also to keep the chair from my view. Would I go first? Would my skin feel the initial bite of the metal as the crowd roared and salivated for my blood?

He rubbed my back slowly enough that no one would notice. He even shook hands with a few people, all the while soothing me. I focused on thoughts of Teddy. The pain would keep him alive. His fate was in my hands, and I couldn’t break now.

“Ms. Rousseau?” Judge Montagnet’s bony fingers wrapped around my elbow. “Welcome to my home. I hope you enjoy your stay.” He smiled, his face striated with each year of his horrible existence. “Sin. Doing well, I heard. Just one more task. Cal told me his plans for the day. Exciting.” He scratched his ear. “It should make for one hell of a show. Best of luck. I’ve got my money on you, young lady.”

I forced my mouth to stay shut, but every vile curse I’d ever learned swirled on the tip of my tongue. Control was imperative if I were to succeed, and I couldn’t let this ghoul shake mine.

Sin gripped his shoulder. “Thanks, Judge. I’m glad for your support.”

He smiled, and then moved into the rows to sit next to a young man in servant’s attire. He couldn’t have been more than twenty. The judge’s hand darted between his legs, and the man stared at the ceiling, as if he switched himself off. I turned away and caught Gavin staring at me from across the room.

His lips creased, a fraction of a smile for me. I did the same, letting him know I was here and that we would get through this. Guilt pounded in my veins as I scanned the crowd for Brianne. I spotted her sitting in Red’s lap as he chatted with some people. Her face was blank. No words passed her lips, and her skin hung from her bones.

“Don’t look at her. It wasn’t your fault.” Sin kept easing his hand back and forth.

“She blames me.”

“She’s foolish. She should blame everyone in this room except you and Gavin.”

“Even you?”

He nodded. “Even me.”

I wanted to pull him close and tell him he wasn’t bad, that he didn’t suffer from the same evil that infected these people. He wouldn’t believe me. The scars on the back of his hand and the ones in his heart were too old, too thick for me to break through completely. But I would keep working until he saw his own light, his own goodness.

A too-loud laugh crackled through the room, and Cal bounded up to the platform.

“Ladies and gents—this thing on?” He tapped the microphone until feedback kicked in. “Ladies—ah that’s better—and gents, welcome to the final Acquisition trial!”

Whoops and yells went up from the crowd as Cal smiled and turned in an appraising circle.

“We’ve had some stiff competition this year—looking at you, Judge.” He pointed to Montagnet, and the room erupted in laughter as my blood turned to acid.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stronger slate of competitors. The highlights—Stella’s whipping, Gavin’s time in the woods, and Brianne’s mother. Could we have wished for a better year?”

“No!” The crowd roared.

“That’s right. So right. On to the delights of the day. The theme for this trial, as we all know, is love. This is my favorite one, because I love all of you.” He kissed his palm and spun around to blow it to the entire audience as they laughed. “I do. Same faces I grew up with, here supporting me as my reign slowly comes to a glorious end. I appreciate you all and look forward to many, many more fabulous years.”

More applause and yells erupted before Cal put his hand out to quiet them down.

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