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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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He rose and popped his neck. “The coronation will be in a month at my estate. I’ll take delivery of Stella then, as well.”


“Oh, yes, forgot to mention. I’m taking Stella for a week or two before giving her to Dylan. I enjoyed our time today, but I want more of a private session. You don’t mind, do you?”

My hands demanded I choke the life out of him. “No, of course not. I will turn her over then.”

“Good man. I’m very pleased about your elevation, and I’ll let Sophia know. Just keep it under wraps until coronation day. You know I love surprises.” He grinned and turned to leave. “You coming to lunch? We don’t want to start off on the wrong foot.”

“I’ll be down in a moment. Just want to get here handled so she doesn’t bleed all over my suit.”

“You are such a dandy.” Cal laughed and walked out. As soon as he was gone, I jumped up to Stella and wrapped her in my suit coat.

When I picked her up, her head lolled back, her eyes still a glassy green. My chest burned as if my heart was being dipped in a vat of acid.


She didn’t respond.

“Stella, please.”

Still no words as a tear rolled down her cheek. No, not hers. Another one landed at the corner of her lips, mixing with the blood there before moving down to her jaw. I blinked hard. My tears. The idea was so foreign to me. I hadn’t shed a tear since Brazil, and now the floodgates were opened. Tears flowed down my face as I clutched her to me, her bloodied and broken body drawing breath but otherwise devoid of life.

I rushed through the ballroom and kicked the doors open, knocking an attendant on his ass as I rushed past. It seemed like days had passed since we’d been in the bedroom at the end of the hall, waiting to meet our fate. I pushed through the door and lay her on the bed.

“Is she okay?” Gavin walked in behind me.

“Get the fuck out.” I picked the bloody strands of hair away from her busted nose and tried to gauge what sort of medical attention she needed. Not that I could give her any. I had to show my face downstairs. Fuck!

“There’s a medic next door, fixing Bob up. I can get her in here.”

“Get her. Now. Bob can wait.” I turned back to her. “Stella, can you say something?”

She hadn’t blinked. He’d hit her in the head so many times. I wanted to scream and rage and burn the entire fucking house to the ground. But I had no right. I’d just sat there, the whores pawing at my dick as Stella took hit after hit. For me. “Oh god, Stella, please.”

“Move away from her.” A woman’s harsh voice cut through my misery. She wore bloody scrubs and had a flowery carrying case in one hand. “I said move.”

“Can you help her?”

“Up. Go.”

I stood, but wouldn’t leave.

She pushed past me and inspected Stella’s face, then opened my jacket and looked at the bloody wounds along her torso. “Jesus. At least she’s not the worst I’ve seen today.”

She set her bag on the bed and dug out a syringe. “Night night.” She hit a vein, no problem, and let the meds fly.

Stella’s eyes finally closed, and I was back in my mother’s room as she screamed and railed until I drugged her to sleep. “Not her, please not Stella.”

“I’ll need to set her nose, clean her wounds, and bandage her up. Some of these cuts could use stitches, but stitches aren’t my specialty.” She dug several implements from her bag, including alcohol, gauze, tape, and what looked like a tongue depressor. “I tend to leave ugly scars. So if in doubt, I’ll leave them out.”

“Will she be okay?” Gavin stood at my elbow. I’d forgotten he was there.

“Mister.” She shook her head, her black braids swaying. “I’ve seen some fucked up shit today that I hope I never see again for as long as I live. No amount of money is worth this. Don’t ask me stupid questions like that.”

She got to work as I stood glued to the spot.

“Why is she hurt?” Gavin shoved me back. “Why? I beat Bob unconscious. Brianne had to be pulled off Red. But you stand here without a scratch.”

“Get off me.” I couldn’t see Stella.

“No. Tell me why!” He shoved harder until my back hit the fireplace.

I swung hard and fast, my fist crunching into his cheek. He fell away, and I rushed forward to Stella again as the medic dabbed her wounds with alcohol.

“Stella, please.” I rested my hand on her shin.

“Motherfucker.” Gavin got to his feet and brought his fists up.

The medic turned a harsh eye on both of us. “If you two are going to fight, get the fuck out. The last thing this poor girl needs is more violence.”

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