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Sovereign (Acquisition 3)

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The crowd began to chant. It started as a whisper in the corner of the room and grew until the entire room filled with the word “blood” on a never-ending loop. Sin whistled two notes, the sound carrying across the speakers and over the sounds of the continuing chant. Red held his sister, the knife shaking in his hand as he gave me a vindictive glare. I shook my head. Wait, I mouthed to him. His eyes narrowed.

Doors along the back and sides of the ballroom opened, and attendants wheeled in several carts covered with black cloths. They spaced them out amongst the guests and then retreated back through the doors. I couldn’t see it, but I knew lengths of chain were being affixed to all the exits. There was no escape for any of the people below. A small, hidden door behind the stage remained unbarred. That was it.

Sin held up a hand and the chant died down. “Patience. I have one more official act before the blood will be spilled.”

Cal stood at the foot of the stairs, his brow wrinkled in confusion at the change of plan.

“As you all know, being Sovereign comes with amazing benefits. I take a cut from each of you every year. My wealth grows and grows, and I have the power to end whichever one of you I see fit. Sovereign is a time-honored role, one that is coveted beyond all others. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Some of the guests applauded, though I could sense unease begin to build. I wanted to smile, but kept my face impassive.

“The reason we have a Sovereign is, of course, to prevent infighting and to consolidate power in one principal place. But have you ever wondered what would happen if there were no Sovereign?”

Whispers rippled through the crowd.

“That would lead to a power vacuum. That would mean the strongest of you would be the next Sovereign. There are plenty of people in here who could claim the throne—Cal, for instance; he’s strong. Sophia, his daughter, very smart and wily. Look at your neighbor. Would they take it from you? Your chance to be Sovereign? Would you let them? Or would you claim it for yourself and have everything you’ve ever dreamed of?”

Sin let the crowd ruminate for a moment. One of the guests pulled the sheet from atop a cart and a collective gasp sounded from everyone close enough to see what was there.

“As some of you have discovered, there are weapons scattered throughout the room. Knives, hatchets, hammers, bats, daggers, axes—you name it, it’s there.”

All around the room voices rose, and even in the glare of the spotlight, I could see people snatching weapons from the carts.

“Now, look around you. Who will reign? You best decide quickly, because my first act as Sovereign is to banish the Vinemont household from the nobility forever.”

Cal sputtered and shook his head as Sin continued.

“This is your chance. You want to reign? Take it. You want the spoils? Take it. You want to decide who lives and dies? Take it. Because if you don’t, someone else will. Pick up the knife and strike down anyone who tries to take what’s yours. There is no Sovereign anymore, except whoever is strong enough to claim it.”

The stage lights went out and the room became steeped in gloom. Screams erupted from all sides.

Cal groaned and fell forward, a dagger glinting in his back. Teddy jumped to the floor and yanked a cart full of guns from beneath the stage and sent it skittering into the crowd.

I darted to Gavin. “There’s a door behind the stage. Go. Take Bob’s brother.”

Bob tried to get up, too, but Gavin punched him in the side of the head. He fell to the floor and began to cry, the sound drowned out by the screams.

“You’re staying.” Gavin kicked him in the stomach and led Carl down the back of the stage.

“Brianne, go.” I pointed to where Gavin had disappeared. She rose and followed, though she seemed to have no idea what was going on.

“Evie, you too.”

She clung to her brother. I pulled my knife out and shook my head at Red. I couldn’t let him go.

He glowered and tried to dislodge Evie. “Go sweetheart. I’ll be all right.”

She wouldn’t budge. “No.”

Gunfire erupted, and Sin grabbed me. “We have to leave, now.”

I pointed my knife at Red. “Take her and go.”

He picked her up and fled down the back stairs as more gunfire ripped through the air.

“Stella, now!”

I surveyed the room, a mass of bodies caving in on itself. Some ran for the doors and screamed to be let out. It made them easy targets, and they fell in heaps as their former friends and allies fought to claim the throne. Every time someone fell, or a cry of agony pierced the air, I felt a sliver of comfort. I wanted to stay, to watch all of them suffer.

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