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Sailor Proof (Shore Leave 1)

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However, instead of announcing a dinner, she dug in her purse. “Here.” She held up a piece of plastic that for a single horrifying second I thought was two condoms, but then realized had the name of a local chain of hotels on it. “Now you don’t have to do the ferry tonight and you can be alone that much sooner.”

“Oh wow.” My jaw went as slack as my brain right then, but Arthur was faster, plucking the card from his mom’s fingers.

“Thank you. You shouldn’t have, but wow is right, and boy am I glad you did. Sabrina—”

“Like I was ever going back with you?” She rolled her elegant eyes. “Don’t worry, honey. I already got the number of Petty Officer Helpful from the bus.”

“Excellent.” Arthur gave her a high five. “I suppose we should do dinner first...”

“Your father and I have reservations.” His mom continued to beam. “For two. I cashed in a bunch of airline miles. Dinner for us, hotel for you. Oh, and I asked for a late checkout time.”

That last bit made both Calder and his father turn pink and look away.

“Thank you,” I said, perhaps a little too heartily because Arthur’s dad’s blush worsened.

“You’re the best.” Arthur gave his mom a fast hug. “Calder? Were you counting on Derrick for dinner?”

A strange look flitted across Calder’s face. Perhaps he was thinking about all the times he hadn’t made an effort to include Arthur. “No,” he said at last. “He’s all yours.”

“He is at that.” Arthur linked arms with me. I wanted to say something else to Calder, a thank-you at least, or touch his arm, but he was already striding away, murmuring something about getting back on duty. It might take a little time for our friendship to get unweird, but him showing up meant a great deal.

“Ready to go?” Arthur asked. “I’m more than ready to kiss you without going viral or risking indecent exposure.”

“Me too.” Talking. We needed to talk, with words. And sentences. Lots of them. But hell if I wasn’t wanting more kissing too, the indecent kind especially.

Chapter Forty


“I love my mom. Like really love my mom.” I was all but dancing as Derrick let us into the darkened hotel room.

“Yeah, she’s pretty great.” He flipped on the light. Basic hotel room decor greeted us—two queen beds—like we’d need the second—white linens, beige walls, bland seascapes over the beds, and a view of the parking lot. But it was ours and it was blessedly private. He tossed his bag on a bed.

“I think we’re alone now,” I hummed to Derrick, pulling him close.

“We are.” He gave me a short but all-too-fast kiss. “But don’t you think we should talk?”

“Talk is overrated.” I pulled at his shirt. He’d stopped by the barracks to hang up his dress whites and grab a change of clothes. “Does wearing civies feel weird now?”

“Rather.” Laughing, he tilted my chin up. “And I can tell you want them on the floor.”

“Really? What gave me away?” I batted my eyelashes at him, Sabrina style.

“Ha. I’m dying for a real shower.”

“With me?” I had zero chill.

“Yes, with you.” He slid a hand up the back of my close-fitting shirt. Sabrina had dressed me in a nice shirt with slinky material and skinny jeans. I looked ready for a club or for climbing Derrick like a tree, which was definitely the more fun option.

But Derrick was frowning. “But don’t you think we should—”

“Talk. Yes. Later.” I made an impatient noise. “Right now isn’t it enough to say that I’m in this thing—whatever it takes—and you are too?”

“Yeah, I am.” He used his hand on my back, warm and strong, to guide me even closer until our torsos were flush together. “And I meant what I said. I love you. I should have said it before I left.”

“Yeah, you could have.” I bumped his chest with mine. “A message, Derrick? Really? With me not able to respond?”

“Sorry.” A rare rosy flush crept across his cheeks and his eyes shifted nervously.

“But it’s okay.” I looped my arms around his neck, meeting his uncertain gaze. “I love you too. And that’s why talk can wait. We love each other. The rest is all details.”

Derrick pursed his mouth as if he were preparing a list of objections, then exhaled hard. “Okay. And really? You don’t have to say it back.”

“Yeah, I do.” I kissed him then, hard and long, and tried to let my lips do the convincing. I loved him. So much. And he loved me. That was what mattered. Well, that and the fact that we were both still wearing too many clothes.

“Shower. Now.” I released him long enough to push him in the direction of the nearby small bathroom. “Damn. Now I really miss the cabin. That tub in particular.”

“Ha. This is paradise compared to the head on a sub. And two beds? Luxury.”

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