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Harvest of Love: Insta-Spark Collection

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I heard some stories of their children. Tori and Ray were Gabe and Ella’s two. Trevor was Callie and John’s son. Noah was a proud uncle, his affection for them obvious.

“My parents are pushovers for them.” He said with a chuckle, making Gabe and Callie laugh in agreement. “They get away with stuff we never could at their age.” Then he grinned. “But they are pretty damn awesome kids.”

All bets were off when the dessert came out. Noah practically growled at his family, making sure he got the biggest slice of both desserts and covering them both in caramel sauce and whipped cream. Given the amount of dinner he had consumed, I was shocked he still could find room for dessert, but he polished off both slices with a cup of coffee and eyed up the last piece in the pan until Callie finally pushed the tray toward him and he cleaned it out.

Callie grinned at me. “Sweet tooth,” she mouthed.

I filed away that information for later.

They got up to clear the table, refusing my help and insisting Noah stay to keep me company.

Noah set down his bowl, resting his arm across the back of my chair. I shivered as his fingers stroked my neck. His voice was a low hum in the quiet evening.

“I haven’t enjoyed a dinner that much since…well, I can’t remember when.”

“It was delicious.”

“It was, but I wasn’t talking about the food. I enjoyed having you beside me. My family liked you—you fit in well.”

I smiled at his praise. “I enjoyed being here. And I liked them too.”

“Just them?” he teased.

“Oh, ah, no,” I admitted. “I sorta prefer you, if I’m being honest.”

He grinned. “I like honesty.” He leaned close, his breath warm on my skin.

“You’ve been drinking.”

“So have you.”

“I only had one glass, and I just have to drive the golf cart down the lane.” He nudged my hair out of the way with his nose, dropping his mouth to my ear. “And you’re coming home with me.”

My breath caught. “Noah…”

“You can’t drive. I can’t let you.”


“You’ll come home with me?”


His voice became husky. “Will you sleep in my bed?”

“With you?” I squeaked.

His mouth quirked. “Well, I can ask Callie to bunk with you if you prefer, but I was hoping with me.”

I bit my lip. He slipped his fingers under my chin. “Just to sleep, Dani. Let me hold you. That’s all I want.”


“You sound disappointed.”

The wine made me brave. His touch on my skin made me braver.

“I like it when you kiss me.”

His eyes darkened. “That, baby, I can promise you is gonna happen. Every chance I get.”

He stood, holding out his hand.

“Come home with me.”

I put my hand in his and let him lead me.

Chapter Seven


I pulled Dani to her feet, anxious to take her home and have her alone. I wanted to talk to her, discover more about her. Kiss her and not worry about being interrupted.

We walked through the kitchen. It was immaculate, the last of the cleanup now done. We said good night to everyone, and the girls hugged Dani, telling her they hoped to see her again soon. She seemed surprised by their welcome and acceptance, but also pleased. I was thrilled how well she fit in with our little group.

Gabe grinned at us, slapped me on the shoulder, and pushed something into my hand. “Stay safe, kids.”

I looked down, my gaze narrowing as I held up four condoms. I rolled my eyes, planning on throwing them back at him, but Dani plucked them from my hand and smirked at him.

“Four, Gabe? I’m sure Noah has far more stamina than that—at least, I hope so. You could have sprung for the whole box.”

His expression was priceless. It wasn’t often you could render my brother speechless, but Dani did just that. Ella slapped his ass, John and Callie laughed, and I pulled Dani out of the restaurant before he had a chance to recover and do something else to embarrass me.

I kissed her hard before she got in the golf cart, trying to apologize for Gabe’s behavior. She tucked the condoms into my pocket, patting it with a smile. “It’s fine—that’s what brothers do. But we won’t need those.”

“No?” I asked, disappointed but not surprised. It was a little fast, although that didn’t stop me from wanting her.

“I’m covered,” she whispered. “It’s been over a year for me, and I’m on birth control.”

I leaned my forehead against hers. “It’s been a long time for me, Dani. A long time. I’m clean.”

“Then let’s save the condoms and use them to throw water balloons at Gabe when he least expects it.”

I laughed. She was amazing. I kissed her again. “When you’re ready.”

She smiled. “Take me home, Noah.”

I was more than happy to oblige.

When we arrived at the house, I studied her. “Tired?”

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