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Chained Hands (Chained Hearts Duet 1)

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“Going somewhere, sweetheart?”

Fucking hell! I jump at the voice. Lucas is there in front of me, a glass of wine in his hand, smiling in a way that makes me feel caught.

“Yes, to get a drink. Keir is sleeping, and I didn’t want to wake him.”

“He’s awake. That man never fully sleeps, he always has one eye on the prize.”

“Good to know,” I say, nodding. In an attempt to walk around him, he blocks my path, careful not to touch me but close enough he can smell me. And that’s exactly what he does—takes a big whiff of me and closes his eyes as he does.

“I wonder if he’ll share you once he’s done.”

“I’m not his, so he doesn’t get to make that decision.” Lucas laughs at my words and lifts his glass, taking another drink.

“It’s funny you think that you have a choice.”

“Why, because he plans on killing me?” I ask him, stepping closer.

Lucas closes his eyes again and breathes me in.

“You better run along before I decide to go against the boss’s wishes and taste you myself.” He smiles at the expression on my face. “Go. Run along.” To get past him I have to touch him because he’s blocking the way I want to go. The other way is back into that room, but that’s not where I want to be right now. So, placing my hands on Lucas’s shoulder, I push past him while he sneers and licks his lips.

No, thank you. He isn’t ugly, not at all, but he’s not someone I would want to be left alone with in a room.

He laughs as I finally shift past him and pretend to make my way to the kitchen. The minute he’s out of sight, I sneak out the front door and run to the nearest car. The keys are in it, and I get in before anyone can stop me.

After I start the car, my foot hits the accelerator and I kick up dust as I drive fast out of the gate, and before I know it, I’m pulling up to my old apartment not even realizing how quickly I got there. All the lights are on, so I know Dillan is home.

I knock on the door. It’s early, so he should be asleep, but he answers the door dressed as if he’s going to work. When he sees me standing there, shock overtakes his features with his eyes going wide and his head pushing back a fraction.


“Does he plan to kill me?” I ask. Dillan goes to speak, but I hold up my hand. “Don’t you dare lie to me.”

He huffs. “It’s what he does. He takes collateral and then when the debt is paid, he kills someone close to you, so you know to not betray him again.”

And I am all that Dillan has.

His family died when he was twenty-one in a car accident, so it’s just me.

“How could you do this? Did you ever love me?” I ask him through a clenched jaw, that he knew this all along but did it anyway.

Dillan looks down to his watch, then back up to me. “Go back before he realizes you’re gone. If he has to find you—”

“What’s it matter, if he plans to kill me anyway?” I say loudly.

Dillan shakes his head. “You’ve slept with him. Tell me, how many times?” I can see the vein in his forehead throb as he asks me the question, I don’t think he really wants the answer to.

“How many times did you cheat on me?” I bite back.

Completely ignoring me he says, “I got your papers today, signed them as well. Should be official soon, so you won’t even have to worry about me in your life ever again.”

“If I’m not fucking dead,” I snap back.

“This is true. Wrong place, wrong time.” He shuts the door behind him, coming closer to me.

“Hunny.” The door opens again to reveal a woman standing there dressed in his shirt and it’s not one of his family members, this woman is half-naked and dressed in what looks to be—is that my underwear on her?

Oh, for fuck’s sake. I shake my head and look away from the blonde then to Dillan as she speaks, “Who’s this?” The puzzled look on her face tells me she has no idea about me.

“Who are you?” I ask.

She crosses her arms over her chest, venom expelling in her voice as she answers me, “His fiancée. Now, who the fuck are you?”

I smile when I answer her, I simply cannot help myself. “His wife.” I notice the ring on her finger and start laughing. “Seems you were too cheap to buy her a new ring and gave her mine.” I face his fiancée and say, “Enjoy my cast off, dear.” I head down the stairs, turn over my shoulder and say, “Have a nice life, Dillan.”

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