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Chained Hands (Chained Hearts Duet 1)

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“A what?”

“Red means you’re here to only support or watch, yellow means you’re interested but with someone, green means you’re up for everything.” I glance down at my yellow wristband, then back to the floor below me.

Sprawling beds and lounge chairs take up the space, all surrounded by naked people.

It’s like an orgy with a bar.

“Why are we not wearing red ones?” He stays silent for a moment as he trails his hand from my hair, down my spine, landing on the curve of my ass and squeezing.

“Because it’s time we spice things up and play. It’s getting old in our bedroom.” His words instantly shock me, punching me right in the gut, forcing my whole body to still.

That’s not something a wife wants to hear. Ever.

Is it me?

No, it’s him as well.

All he wants is doggy. I hate it but don’t say anything because it’s what he likes. And I want to please him. But it’s been months.

“I want to leave.” The moment the words leave my mouth, Dillan removes his hands from me, then he smirks and starts walking away.

“Leave then. But if you do …” He doesn’t finish.

My heart feels like it’s being stomped on with each and every step he takes down those stairs and farther away from me.

Chapter Three


I should have walked away, gotten myself together and left. But we have been together for so long and a part of me did love him at one time, maybe even still loves him. Maybe. Instead, I walk down the stairs to find my husband. Each step I take is a strike to my pride. I never thought I’d be somewhere like this. Especially not with someone who supposedly loves me.

In an attempt at being independent again, I try to tear at the yellow band on my wrist, branding me as something I am not, but it’s impossible and won’t budge. Scissors will be needed to get this thing off me.

In a past life, I would have thrived at a place like this.

But that’s in the past.


Spinning around, I find a woman standing behind me. She’s dressed in only a G-string and steps closer, her lean body almost coming into contact with mine as she reaches for the strap on my top. Expecting her to tell me something, anything, I look up at her, but her bright pink lips say nothing as she leans in closer to me. Her body is perfect, and if I was interested in a woman, she would be it. Strong, lean physique, toned abs, and sun-kissed skin.

“I …” Words fail me as she leans in and places her lips on mine. Nothing else is said before she tries to kiss me. I stand still as a statue, wondering what in the ever-loving fuck is happening.

When she realizes I’m not kissing her back, she removes her mouth from mine, my pink lipstick now smeared on her plump lips, and she smirks. “First time is always the hardest.” Yeah, not what I was expecting her to say. “Go to the bar, get a drink, and calm your nerves.” Then she walks away.

Checking behind me, the bar has no patrons right now. Everyone is either with someone or walking around touching others. Not many people are wearing red wristbands, with most being either yellow or green. I tug at mine again, almost snapping a perfect nail in the process, but it still doesn’t budge.

Huffing, I stay where I am and check around for Dillan—who has just won the husband of the year award for leaving me alone—but don’t find that asshole anywhere.

It’s time I finally leave him.

Like, for real this time.

Not just think about it.

Because I work from home, I have no friends in our town apart from Dillan’s, and they are loyal to him, not me. My parents are traveling in their camper van, and my friends from home all have lives that don’t include me anymore—and I can’t blame them. Dillan never lets me see them anyway, so I put my everything into Dillan.

Even when I shouldn’t.

Meeting Dillan I always thought he was different. My friends back home are still in the same place they were when I left—selling on the streets, no jobs, or doing things they shouldn’t. I fell into their crowds. And I loved it, despite everything. Doing shit you shouldn’t be doing is a thrill, and don’t we all love a thrill. Except, I knew eventually I’d have to grow up, and when I did, I left all that behind me.

But as I look at Dillan I wonder, what does he give me?

Actually …

… not much.

My eyes scan the area as I search again, and all I see is an orgy club.

I walk over to the bar, sit down, and wave down the bartender behind the counter.

“Do you have scissors?”

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