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Trouble in Hell (Hell Night 1)

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I JUST FINISH FEEDING ELIJAH, and I’m lying him in the bassinet Susan borrowed from one of the town’s people, when the doorbell rings. After ensuring he’s slightly propped on his side should he spit-up, I kiss the tip of his nose then make my way to the door. Looking through the peep hole, I’m surprised to see Jenny’s fishbowl face.

When I pull open the door, I’m more surprised when I see she’s not alone. She has Jamie with her, along with two other women I’ve never seen. Before I get a chance to speak, Jenny is barreling through the door.

“Where’s that beautiful baby?” she asks eagerly. Spotting the bassinet beside the couch, she rushes that way.

I turn back to Jamie, who gives me a look of sympathy.

“Sorry, I kept her away as long as I could. You’re lucky she didn’t follow you home from Doctor Trayce’s office and camp out beside the baby’s bed.”

One of the unknown women steps forward. “The only thing that poor girl is doing is torturing herself.” Her eyes move to mine. “Hi, I’m Layla, and this is Gillian.” She throws a thumb over her shoulder at the other woman. My eyes widen. So, these are the other two women Jamie was talking about at The Hill. Judge’s other mistresses.


sp; Both women are beautiful, mimicking the gorgeous looks that Jenny and Jamie have. The four of them could pass as runway models, while I stand there in a tattered shirt, sweatpants, my hair in a messy ponytail, and not an ounce of makeup.

Talk about feeling inadequate.

“It’s nice to meet you both. I’m Remi.”

They smile, and I swear the room gets brighter with their amazingly white teeth.

“We know who you are,” Gillian says with a giggle. “Jenny hasn’t stopped talking about you and your new baby for days.”

A cooing comes from behind us, and I turn to find Jenny leaning over the bassinet, staring down at Elijah with a smile. Her hands hover over him and she lifts her eyes to mine. “Can I?”


The ‘r’ hasn’t even rolled off my tongue before she’s scooping my son into her arms. Her smile is so big, it has to be hurting her cheeks.

“Oh Lordy, here we go,” someone mutters behind me.

Sensing we’re going to be here a while, I offer, “Would you three like something to drink?”

Getting a “yes” from all three, I lead them into the living room while I go to the kitchen. After gathering five glasses and the tea pitcher, I carry them back to the living room. Jenny is on the couch with Elijah tucked into the crook of her arm. The woman named Gillian is sitting beside her and Jamie and Layla are on the love seat. I take the only remaining seat left, which is beside Gillian. Leaning forward, I pour tea in all five glasses.

“So, Remi, how long will you be in Malus?” Layla asks, grabbing one of the glasses.

“I’m not exactly sure. My car is still in the shop. Mick said it could be another week or two. With Elijah coming early, I’m not sure if I should travel with him yet, even if my car was ready. It’ll probably be a few more weeks.”

Jamie, Layla, and Gillian share a look and it makes me nervous. This isn’t the first time I’ve felt a vibe that made me feel like staying here might not be for the best. I’m just not sure who it’s not for the best. Me or the town?

“You’re not anxious to get to where you’re going?” It was Jamie’s turn to ask.

I shrug. “I am. Especially now that Elijah is here. I want to get settled in and start our lives, but not if staying here for a while longer will be best for him.”

Jamie nods. “That’s understandable.”

“Have the four of you lived in Malus your whole life?” I ask, just to make conversation.

“Jenny’s been here the longest,” Jamie answers. “I came six years ago. Layla and Gillian came at the same time three years ago.”

“I mean no disrespect to the town or it’s people, but why would you choose to live in a town this far out from civilization?” I hold my tongue, unsure if I should continue for fear of offending them, but decide to forge ahead. “You four seem like the city type, not a small town out in the middle of nowhere.”

Layla laughs. “We still get our shopping in, if that’s what you mean. Judge takes us into town a few times a year to appease our wants, but we mostly shop online. We don’t mind it. Malus is our home, and it’s where we prefer to be.”

Remembering who these women are, I bite my lip when another question pops in my head. Heat creeps up my cheeks. I know I shouldn’t ask—it’s none of my business—but curiosity has the question slipping out before I can stop it.

“Do the four of you… uh… have sex together with Judge?” I want to snatch the words back as soon as I hear them leave my lips, but they’re already out there and there’s no pretending like I didn’t say them.

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