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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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He steps back from me and roughly rakes his hand through his hair. “Those old bastards are going to be the death of me. Seventy-year-old twins, and you’d think by now they’d learn to get along.”

Without another word, Judge spins and walks off, leaving me alone with JW. A frustrated growl leaves his lips when he looks at me. “This isn’t over.”

“It is if it’s up against a brick building,” I reply, smoothing my hand down my skirt.

He steps into my space again, leaning one hand against the wall by my head and gently gripping my chin with the other, tipping my head back. “The next time I have your pussy pressed against me, we’ll both be naked and in my bed.”

I’m finding I’m more and more okay with the thought of being in JW’s bed. In fact, I’m very much looking forward to it. Of course, I don’t tell him this. The man’s head seems to be big enough.

I smile sweetly at him. “We’ll see.” I pat his chest and roll to my toes to peck his lips. I slide from between him and the wall.

“Gypsy!” he calls when I’m just about to turn the corner. I look at him over my shoulder. “That wasn’t just a simple statement. It was a promise.”

I can’t stop the small smile that curves my lips.

“Oh, and—” he begins, letting his hand fall from the wall and turning to me. “I love the hair and nails. I’ll love it even more with your hair tickling my chest and seeing those blue tips wrapped around my cock.”



Emo – Home. Still not done with the tapes.

Me – Get your ass to Trouble and Remi’s. You’ve been at it for days. You need a break.

I pocket my phone and turn around to face the crowd in the backyard. Remi invited everyone to welcome her brother to Malus. Emo will show. He’ll show, because he knows if he doesn’t, one of my brothers or I will drag him here by his inky black hair.

When I stopped by to check on him yesterday, my worry over what he’s been tasked to do grew. He looked haggard and half unhinged. Thankfully, Grace has been there as often as she can, and she’s been giving us updates on his behavior.

Judge and Trouble know what’s on the tapes and have been checking on him as well. Since I gave him the tapes three days ago, one of us has been by his house at least once a day. When I first told Trouble about them and what I asked of Emo, he about tore my head off. He and Emo have always had a special bond because of Rella. Judge and I loved Rella like a sister, but Emo was attached to her because of the pain they often shared together. Rella, the sweet and beautiful girl she was, never held what Emo had to do to her against him. She knew he was forced and had no other choice.

Soft laughter pulls me from my thoughts, and I look over to where Eden is standing with Remi, Trouble, Kian, and the Tanners. She has on a long white skirt with little p

owder blue flowers and a lavender tank top. I can’t see her feet because the skirt covers them, but I know she’s wearing a pair of white sandals. Her gorgeous red hair is pleated and tossed over her shoulder.

I scowl when I notice Kian standing too close to Eden.

The day I saw him with Eden and Jenny on the sidewalk outside of Trouble’s office, my vision clouded with red, and I barreled across the road, thinking he was one of Diego’s men. Once I found out who he was, I wanted to break every one of his fingers, slowly, and shove them up his ass. Jealously is an emotion I’ve never felt before, but I damn sure did then. Kian was touching something that was mine, and I’m a greedy bastard who doesn’t share well with others. Especially when it comes to Eden.

Eden laughs at something he says and before I know it, I’m stalking down the stairs and across the yard. I place myself between her and the bastard, firmly securing her against my side with an arm around her waist. When I look down at her, she rolls her eyes. Leaning down, I plant a kiss against her lips, leaving Kian with no doubt who Eden belongs to.

“Behave,” she whispers against my lips.

“As long as he stops fucking you with his eyes. I’m about ready to gouge them out with a dull knife.”

“You’re being ridiculous.” Her voice is too low for anyone but me to hear.

I nip her bottom lip. “No, just letting him know you’re off limits.”

“You don’t know me well enough to make that claim,” she quips.

“I know all I need to to know you won’t deny me when the time comes. Face it, Gypsy, you want me just as much.”

She scoffs and rolls her eyes, but I see the secret thrill she’s trying her best to hide. The woman likes me claiming her, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.

“So, Kian,” Amelia Tanner says, breaking into my hushed conversation with Eden, “How long do you plan to stay in Malus?”

“Only for a few days. I’ve got drills coming up soon, so I need to get back to the base for those.”

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