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Bitter Sweet Hell (Hell Night 2)

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My jaw tightens, and I hold back the need to plant my fist in the guy’s throat. Emo, apparently, has no qualms about hurting him as he releases a guttural growl and makes a move to go after him. If there’s one thing that pisses my brothers and me off the most, it’s pity. Pity is for the weak and we aren’t weak. Not anymore. We beat our past, escaped it, and we’ll be damned if anyone thinks we’re lesser because of it.

“No,” I order and grab Emo’s arm before he can get too far. “Leave it, Emo.”

I can feel the tremors in his body as he forcefully tries to control himself. Thankfully, after several seconds, he steps back beside me. I turn back to Emiliano to find his eyes lit on Emo.

“If Diego insists on continuing his pursuit of Eden, he’ll meet a deadly end,” I warn him, drawing his attention back to me. “She’s under my and the town of Malus’s protection.”

He takes another draw of his cigar and talks through a billow of smoke. “You’re threatening my son’s life? To my face?” he asks with a hint of surprise. He may not know the lengths we go through to ensure the safety of Malus’s citizens or what my brothers and I do on the side, but he knows our name, and not only because of our pasts. He knows we’re not the type to be fucked with.


He considers my answer for a moment. “How well do you know this woman? Is she really worth the risk you’re taking coming in my house and telling me you’ll kill my son?”

“It doesn’t matter how well I know her. I know enough to know she’s innocent of whatever Diego claims. And even if she isn’t, he’s still not laying a hand on her.”

Stubbing out his cigar, he leans away from his desk, coming to his short five and a half feet tall height. I glare down at the little bastard.

“I’ve got too much other shit going on around here to deal with more of Diego’s fucked up mess because he was neglectful with one of his women. I’ve never had any issues with you or your kind, Sheriff Ward. I’ll have a talk with him, but he’s a stubborn bastard, so I can’t promise anything.”

I hold his stare. “You better hope he heeds your warning, because if one hair on Eden’s head is harmed, the devil himself won’t stop me from putting him down.”

His jaw tics and the pulse at his temple throbs, giving away his mounting anger. I have zero fucks to give if he likes it or not.

“I believe it’s time you both leave. I’ve been generous to allow you into my home while offering nothing but threats. That generosity has about run dry.”

“We’ll see ourselves out.” Giving him a tight nod, I spin on my heel, grabbing Emo’s arm on the way before he has the chance to permanently mark the older man’s face and bring the Tomas family down on our heads. Not that I fear their wrath, but it’s something I don’t want to deal with. Not to mention, it could cause problems for Malus.

I just hope like fuck Diego listens to his father and leaves Eden the hell alone. Diego will still die by my hands, but at least this way, it’ll be on my terms.


The Past

I PULL THE COVERS UP CLOSER to my chin when I hear my bedroom door creak open. The light in the hallway is off so it’s too dark to see who it is, but I don’t need the light to know. This is the fourth night in a row he’s come to my room. I don’t think Mom and Dad know, and I’m too scared to tell them. They always said what happens on Hell Night is supposed to be special and sacred. That it’s the one night a month the adults are allowed to show the kids the true meaning of love. If what happens on Hell Night is love, then I don’t want anyone to love me. It hurts too much to be loved.

I hold real still when my covers are lifted, and I feel a warm body climb into bed with me. My eyes sting, but I try to force back my tears. If I cry, my nose will run and I’ll be forced to sniff, letting Trey know I’m awake. Maybe if he thinks I’m asleep, he’ll leave.

My heart pounds hard in my chest, and I worry he’ll hear it. I start counting in my head, trying to make the numbers match my heartbeat to slow it down, but it doesn’t work. A hand lands on my hip, and I can’t help but stiffen at the touch, giving myself away.

“I know you’re awake, Liam,” he whispers and moves his body up against my back and butt. I hate the name Liam. My name is JW. It’s what my real brothers call me, what Rella calls me, because I love John Wayne movies so much. I wish I was watching a John Wayne movie right now.

Something pokes into my pajama pants. I want to cry out for Mom and Dad, but I worry they won’t help me. Why would they when they let Trey do the things he does to me on Hell Night?

“I can feel you trembling. Are you excited I’m here?”

My bottom lip wobbles. “Please, Trey,” I whine. “I don’t want to do it tonight. I’m tired and want to go to sleep.”

His dry lips and the little hairs on his face he’s starting to let grow out scrape across the back of my neck. His hand comes around my waist and goes under my shirt, rubbing my stomach.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to stay awake. I just want to love you for a little while. I can love you while you sleep.”

“But it’ll hurt, and Mom said we’re supposed to wait until The Gathering.”

His hand moves down my stomach into the waistband of my bottoms. I squeeze my eyes shut as he touches my privates. His deep groan in my ear almost sounds like he’s in pain.

“I can’t wait that long. I need to love you now.” He squeezes me and it hurts. I let out a small cry. “Shh… little brother, it’s okay,” he whispers and loosens his hold. “Let me show you how much I love you. I promise I’ll be gentle.”

He’s never gentle. He’ll say he’ll be gentle, and in the beginning, he is, but he always ends up being rough and hurting me. Sometimes he’s so rough that I bleed.

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