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The Sinister Silhouette

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“Tell Theo I’ll have her back tomorrow around three.”

“I’ll let him know.”

“Lock the door once we leave.”

I nod. “All right.”

Luca gazes at me a moment longer, a strange look overcoming his face, before he turns with Aria and they walk down the sidewalk. I stand in the doorway as he secures her in her car seat, then walks around to the driver side. Instead of opening the door, he stands there and stares at me. It takes me a minute to realize what he wants. With a wave, I close the door, making sure to secure both locks.

I lean back against the wood, my knees unexpectedly feeling weak all of a sudden. After I’ve composed myself enough to where I won’t fall flat on my face, I push away from the door. As I walk across the living room back into the kitchen to tidy up, the warm, spicy scent hits me again, and I wonder once more why it seems familiar. Another thought filters in.

Why does the scent make me want to run to the source and throw myself into his warm embrace?


AFTER JULES CLOSES the door, I climb inside the truck.

“You ready to hit the road?” I ask Aria.

“Yes!” she squeals, making me chuckle.

Before I back out of the driveway, I grab my phone from the middle console. A sardonic smile curves my lips as I type out the text message.

Me: Just picked up Aria. You might want to be there the next time to say goodbye to your kid. Jules is looking good by the way.

I drop my phone in the cupholder, knowing damn good and well the message I sent is going to piss him off. That’s what the asshole gets for not being at home when he knew I was coming by. I don’t know for sure where he is, but I have my suspicions. It’s customary for Theo to be out whoring around on Fridays, and I don’t see this one being any different. It’s almost seven in the evening and he gets off at four thirty, if he even makes it that long. Jules’s excuse of him working late almost made me laugh, but my anger overruled it. Theo never works late.

My phone dings in the console. I back out of the driveway before picking it up and looking at the screen. It’s Theo’s response. I don’t look at the message, not needing to see the tirade I’m sure it will be.

Screw Theo. His ass should know better. It’s one thing to sleep with women while Jules was in a coma, but a whole different thing now that she’s awake and living with him. The thought makes me want to wrap my hands around his throat and squeeze.

He’s damn lucky his daughter was there, because I’m not sure I would have been able to hold back from taking Jules into my arms. I wanted to touch her so fucking bad. My emotions are all over the place regarding her. I shouldn’t want her, but I do. I shouldn’t have feelings for her, but I do. I know it’s wrong of me to want to touch her, considering she’s my sister-in-law, but damn it all to hell, I fucking do. I want her to be mine, not Theo’s. He doesn’t deserve her. And what makes it harder to hold back those feelings is she’s sweet and caring and shy. And she obviously adores Aria

“Can you turn the music on?” Aria requests, breaking into my thoughts.

“Sure can, squirt.”

I turn the knob so the stereo beats through the speakers. As I navigate through the streets of Silver Hills, I silently applaud myself for not giving into the craving while in Jules’s presence.

I’m just not sure how much longer I can last.



I’M SITTING ON THE couch, looking down at the fourth finger on my left hand when the front door opens. I nervously sit up and turn around to see Theo walking in the door. This is the first time we’ve been alone in the house.

I run my thumb over my bare finger. Theo looks angry about something and it ramps up my anxiety. I jump when he tosses his keys on the small table by the couch and they slide off the other side. Bending over, I pick them up and put them back on the table. Theo walks into the kitchen and comes back a minute later with a beer in his hand. When he sits on the chair next to the couch and agitatedly runs his hands through his hair, I know something is wrong.

Before he has a chance to say whatever it is he obviously wants to, I decide to ask something I’ve been curious about. I pull in a deep breath for courage and turn my head toward him.

“Where’s my wedding ring?” My voice comes out squeakier than I wanted, giving away just how nervous I am.

Theo takes a swallow of his beer, then leans his elbows on his knees.

“We decided to marry on the fly, and you were attacked right afterward. We never got the chance to get you a set. We were going to go together and get you an engagement and wedding ring.”

I nod, accepting his explanation. I knew it was last minute that we got married and the attack happened right afterward. I just assumed that Theo would have already bought a ring.

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