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The Sinister Silhouette

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Her head dips in acknowledgement, hopeful relief flashing in her eyes. “Okay.”

I leave her behind and walk out to the living room, the rage in my blood once again heating now that I’m not in her presence. My feet pound the floor as I make my way out of the back door and into the backyard. The green grass flattens beneath my purposeful strides. I don’t stop until I’m behind the small wooden shed in the far corner of my property. It’s there that I stand, tilt my head back, and roar to the blue sky. My fist flies forward and lands hard against the structure, splintering it enough to leave shards of wood embedded in my knuckles when I pull it back. The stinging in my hand only amplifies my need to run my fist through Theo’s jaw. With another bellow, I repeat the move over and over again, until my hand is a bloody mess and there’s a hole the size of a soccer ball in the wall.

It does nothing to wash away my anger, but at least now I can think past the blinding rage.



I JERK UP IN BED when a loud banging wakes me. I blink quickly, confused when I don’t immediately recognize my surroundings. I look down at the purple blanket covering me then glance over the room. Memories flood in when I remember this is Aria’s room, and I’m at Luca’s house because he came and got me from Theo’s.

I rub my tired eyes, trying to wipe away the sandpapery feeling from just waking up. I must have slept later than I intended, because the sun is already setting.

Another loud bang and a muffled yell have me jumping from the bed. I fly into the hallway, just as I see Luca, wearing a navy-blue shirt, jeans, and wet hair, opening the front door. I brace myself when Theo stalks into the house.

“Where in the fuck is she?” he growls, getting into Luca’s face.

“Where’s Aria?” Luca counters, not backing down as he looks over Theo’s shoulder toward his car.

“With Mom and Dad. Why in the fuck are you so goddamn interested in Aria all the time? She’s my fucking daughter, not yours, Luca. Now, tell me where the fuck Jules is!” he finishes on a roar.

The words have barely left his mouth before Luca slams his fist against Theo’s jaw. I squeak out a cry. It’s as if all Luca was waiting for was to make sure Aria wouldn’t see what he planned to do. Theo stumbles back and hits the wall by the door. Luca steps forward and delivers another brutal punch to his cheek. Blood trickles from the corner of Theo’s mouth. Using the back of his hand, he wipes it away, then looks down at the bloody streak. My hand shakes as I bring it up to cover my mouth.

Theo’s eyes flicker to me, and so much hate reflects in them that I stumble back a step.

Luca steps in front of him, blocking his view of me.

“You don’t get to fucking look at her anymore,” Luca snarls.

“She’s my goddamn wife. I can do whatever the fuck I want,” Theo retaliates.

“Including raping her?” The question comes out on a guttural growl.

Theo doesn’t say anything for a moment, but I can hear both men’s heavy breathing.

“I wasn’t going to fucking rape her,” he grates out.

“You should have stopped the minute she told you to.”

“Fuck you, Luca. You don’t know what happened. You weren’t there.”

When Theo tries to step around Luca, he pushes him back with a hand on his chest. He thumps back against the wall.

“I didn’t need to be there to know she’s fucking scared out

of her mind to be near you.”

From the tense way Luca’s holding his body and the hostility in his tone, I know he’s barely refraining from hurting Theo even more. I hate violence and try to avoid it at all costs. As much as I don’t want to face Theo, I know I need to, to get him to leave. I walk further into the living room, purposely putting myself in Theo’s line of sight. His eyes move to me, and a whole slew of emotions pass over his face.

“Please leave, Theo,” I say, putting some strength in my tone.

“I’m not leaving here without you,” he says harshly.

“She’s not going anywhere with you.”

Theo’s eyes slide from mine back to his twin’s. His laugh is vicious as he regards Luca with contempt.

“You’ve wanted this all along, haven’t you? You’ve just been waiting on the perfect time to snatch her from me, just like you did all those years ago. Because you want her all for yourself.”

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