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The Sinister Silhouette

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I shake my head. The girl probably just turned legal today and is on a high wanting to get a tattoo. Not because it’ll be meaningful, but to sow some weird wild oats.

I glance back down at the appointment book, deciding to let Dale handle the girl, when my head snaps back up. Another girl walks in, and I feel like some fucking pussy because I’d swear to Christ, time comes to a screeching halt and my heart stops beating. It just sits there in my chest, feeling like dead weight for all of five seconds before it starts slamming against my sternum.

Holy goddamn hell.

She’s absolutely fucking gorgeous, with long thick brown hair, round face, olive complexion, and eyes that glow a bright amber. She’s wearing a pair of black leggings that mold to her shapely body and a cream-colored long-sleeved shirt, the cuffs covering the heels of her palms. It’s plain to see she’s nervous being here from the way her eyes dart back and forth across the room and her teeth bite her bottom lip.

She looks as young as her friend, but that doesn’t stop my dick from turning to granite. I just hope like fuck I’m not lusting over a minor, especially one that looks like she doesn’t belong on this side of town.

My eyes are still locked on the brunette, who’s busy looking at the section dedicated to roses, when her friend traipses over to stand in front of me on the other side of the counter.

“Hi!” she chirps loudly.

Reluctantly, I pull my eyes away and look at her.

“Hey. You lookin’ for some ink?”

She flashes her smile and her teeth are so white it almost blinds me.

“Yes. My friend and I are going off to college in a few weeks and we’re celebrating by getting tattoos.”

I barely contain an eye roll. “Do you know what you want?” I ask.

My head twitches with the need to look back at the brunette when I notice her making her way down the wall closer to the counter.

“Not really. Just something pretty.” She turns to her gorgeous friend. “Hey, Jules, come over here.”

Jules. The name couldn’t have been more perfect.

When Jules turns to her friend, her expression appears nervous. Her fingers grip the ends of her sleeves as she makes her way over.

“I don’t know about this, Nicole….”

Her words trail off when her eyes lift to mine. I feel like someone just sucker punched me and stole all the breath in my lungs. Seeing her from across the room is nothing compared to seeing her full-on. I let my gaze show my appreciation and her eyes widen. Her face, naturally beautiful with minimal makeup, flushes at my blatant interest.

Her tongue darts out to lick her lips, and I’d give my left nut to lick away the moisture she left behind. Hell, I’d be willing to give both nuts. I’ve had a lot of women since the first time I had sex at the age of fourteen, but never has one caught my attention so fully before.

Once she’s standing beside her friend, her eyes fall from mine.

“I don’t think I can do this, Nicole,” she says quietly. Even the sound of her soft voice sends blood rushing to my dick.

“Come on, Jules. It can’t be that bad,” whines the one named Nicole.

Jules’s eyes slide to me, but they’re aimed at my chest and not my eyes, where I want them. I keep mine pinned on her.

“Maybe I’ll get one next time,” she tells her friend. “But I’ll stay here with you while you get one.”

“Fine,” she grumbles.

Dale walks up just then. “Afternoon, ladies. Are either of you looking to get a tattoo?”

Nicole turns away from Jules. “I am.” She throws her thumb sideways. “This one chickened out.”

I can’t see it, because I’m still looking at Jules, but I hear the smile in Dale’s voice. “That’s okay. I’ll get you taken care of.”

“I’ve got it, Dale.”

“Don’t you have an app—”

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