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The Sinister Silhouette

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“I just don’t understand why he’s acting this way,” Mom comments. “He’s always been so calm and collected. What set him off?”

Jules shifts on my lap, and I look down at her. Guilt riddles her face, and I decide to shut that shit down right now because I’ll be damned if she thinks she’s to blame.

“This is not your fault, Jules,” I say with heat behind my words. “You didn’t make him do those things, so get that shit out of your head.”

“But he was fine before I woke up, wasn’t he?”

Ella answers before I can. “He was, but there’s no excuse for his actions. There’s nothing a woman can do that gives a man the right to force himself on her. Theo may be acting out of the ordinary, but he’s still making those decisions on his own.”

“She’s right,” Dad inserts. “A man is put on this earth to love and cherish women, not destroy and hurt them. Don’t take this on yourself. He’s an adult. He knows what’s right and wrong.”

She looks at each person in the room and they all have the same look on their faces: conviction.

“What do we do? He’s your family. I don’t expect you to abandon him because of me. And then there’s Aria.”

I know what I’d like to do, but instead of voicing my opinion, I say, “I have a friend who has an uncle who’s a lawyer. I plan to call him Monday. Until then, Aria will stay with one of us,” I inform her. “And as far as him being my family, my brother died when he tried to rape you. The first two times were enough, and fuck knows I wanted to kill him then, but after seeing what he’s capable of, the bastard can rot in hell for all I care.”

“I don’t see him sticking around very long after what he pulled. He’d be too worried the cops will be after him.”

I look over to Vicki. The woman has calmed down some, but I still see anger lurking in her eyes.

“If he’s fucking smart, he’ll hide so I never have to see his face again.”

“I know you all say it’s not my fault, but I’m still sorry.”

I pull Jules tighter against my chest.

Mom breaks away from Dad and walks over to us. Her expression is distraught as her gaze roams over the multiple bandages covering Jules’s face before settling on her eyes.

“Don’t ever apologize for those things Theo has done to you. We’re the ones who should be apologizing.” When Jules opens her mouth to interrupt, Mom talks over her. “I know it’s not our fault either, but you’re a part of this f

amily now, and we take care of our family, not hurt them.”

Jules reaches out and grabs Mom’s hand. “Thank you. Despite Theo’s actions, I’m grateful to be a part of your beautiful family.”

Mom smiles, and it makes me so fucking proud to know my family has Jules’s back. Not that I ever doubted them. Theo may be family, but they would never be okay with what he’s done. It’s abhorrent and disgusting and fucking cruel.

It turns quiet after that, each of us in our own thoughts as we wait for the cops to arrive. I’m stiff as I continue to hold Jules, needing her in my arms just as much as she needs to be there.

I hope like fuck Vicki is right and Theo either leaves or keeps himself away from me, because if I ever see him again, there’s no stopping the wrath that’ll rain down on him.



IT TOOK AN HOUR AND forty-five minutes for the cops to show up at my parents’ house.

Fucking typical.

Not because it was the holiday or because they’re understaffed. It wouldn’t matter what day of the year it was, how many officers they had on duty, or if Vicki’s call was the only one they received that day. The city just doesn’t fucking care enough about this section of town to get off their asses. I’m sure the two dumb fucks who showed up in the guise of serving and protecting citizens were in the parking lot of the local donut shop when the call from dispatch came through and finished stuffing their faces before heading here. Domestic abuse and attempted rape is the norm for this side of town, so to them, it’s no big deal.

It took every bit of control I had and my dad’s quiet words reminding me Jules was nearby to hold me back from laying one of the officers out when his eyes slid over her in a sleazy way. In the end, the visit was useless. Even if Jules wanted to press charges, I highly doubt the cops would have actually pursued it. The little fuckers didn’t seem one damn bit interested in what happened to Jules and didn’t even try to talk her into pressing charges. They were only there for twenty minutes, and I was damn glad to see them leave.

We’re now walking in my front door. When I see Jules wobble on her feet as she tosses her purse on the couch, I go to her. I still wish she had let me take her to the hospital, but I understand why she didn’t want to. She was there for seven years, and I’m sure going back frightens her.

Grabbing her hips, I turn her to face me then loosely wrap my arms around her. She looks at me with dreary and tired eyes.

“Shower or bed?” I ask.

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